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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Kyle Richards parked her car in the forbidden red zone in Beverly Hills while her daughter went into the Brooklyn Water Bagel restaurant to pick up trays of food. When a parking enforcement officer asked her to move, she REFUSED to budge. The Beverly Hills housewife talked on her phone and waited while the trays of food were loaded into the back of her SUV. Naturally the guy wrote her a parking ticket and she asked him to hand it to her. He insisted in putting it on her car and she was visibly perturbed. Beverly Hills housewives make their own rules.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Pit Bull LOVER

    you think kim is pretty?? that dame always looks like she is in pain with that phony looking frozen smile and weird eyebrow thing goin on so she gets those wrinkles there…..
    srsly every pic of her screams PAIN.

  2. Fritz Meulders

    Who is this woman

  3. Julia

    Surely everyone must know by now that rules don’t apply to the women of Bev. Hills.

  4. deva

    Good for the cop.

  5. Strom

    Arrogant, untalented trash!

  6. Donatella's Demons

    She’s a real slam pig, those pockets are not flattering on her sloppy rear. She looks like a midget, I’d be surprised if she were over 5’2″, although her waist looks like it’s 36″!

  7. dennis

    she hopes paprazzi will picture this.
    her goal: extra attention.

  8. Bucky M

    Kyle (soon to be 47) and her niece, Paris, have that funky hook nose. Kim is still the pretty one in the bunch regardless of her drinking issues.

  9. Donatella's Demons

    Kyle Richards is a tacky, stocky, midget piglet. They were tearing here a new rectum on another site and she demanded they shut the comments down. If you are desperate to be famous, be ready for the comments section. Bye Felicia.