Kristin Cavallari was dead right when she said that “Dancing With The Stars is clearly not a dance competition.” It’s a popularity contest judged not by the dance experts but by fans and producers hungry for ratings. We didn’t realize that contestants are given money bonuses when they bring their famous friends to sit in the audience. Producers want the VIP audience section packed with celebrities, and dancers like David Arquette get bonuses when they produce celebs like Courteney Cox. Chaz Bono has been dubbed “this season’s Bristol Palin” – not a good dancer, but an audience favorite. AND he might get a big bonus for producing Cher. THAT’S what makes producers happy.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
“And it’s not just this show that’s fixed, almost all the reality shows are fixed.” Yep. You can catch them reading their scripts all the time; I laugh at all the mispronunciations (yeah, I know they are getting the last laugh on me since I watch some of their crap). Ramona from the Housewives franchise thinks “kudos” is pronounced cud-OOHZ which was pretty funny. Hearing her pretend to justify it was even funnier, if nonsensical.
In reference to “The same happened with the talentless Bristol Palin” — I have read people claiming to be republicans bragging about repeatedly voting with numerous fake email addresses in order to promote Palin (no way of knowing if it’s true).
I actually watched a show to see if she could dance — all the choreography for her was her standing there or shaking her hips (the only things she knows how to do, other than spew hatred and ignorance. Oh, excuse me, a little opinion slipped out there)
This was fun when it was summer time only show. Now not so much. Two night for DWTS many of whom are simply not stars is way too much. I wish this show was over.
Love JR Martinez. That dance was spectacular. Cher will be in the audience next week. Hopefully Pee-wee won’t be. They had to cut around his ugly bloated face when they had to shoot Courtni and Coco.
Nancy is so much better as the shrill judge, jury, and excutioner. As for Nancy’s performance on the show, “The devil is dancing!”
I’m really shocked that Nancy grace is actinh pure high school white trash. An old ugly hag slipping nip slips and now farting?!?! She is really showing a really tacked out behavior. Farting?! Only babies and old people should fart carelessly. Please I don’t want hear or see a clip of a mummy’s shriveled up pussy lips while trying to do a radio city rockette girl kick. She really display how déclasse she really is. I could see Chaz farting because she’s fat but really miss grace?
The show is totally fixed!
Chaz Bono, who flat out can’t dance will last until the second or third to last show.
He’s excellent for the ratings due to the controversy, so they keep him on.
The same happened with the talentless Bristol Palin.
And it’s not just this show that’s fixed, almost all the reality shows are fixed.
forrest gump
……… hate american footbal?
pippa martins-st. onge
Seriously, do people actually watch this horrendous rubbish? Do Americans need escape this badly?
British Teeth
Next week:
Nancy “Grace” and her unfortunate partner in a rollicking tribute to “World War I and Mustard Gas.”
He’ll be the one wearing the mask.
I don’t even bother to watch it anymore.
Just heard that Steve Jobs just passed away.
So sad.
Of course it’s a popularity contest. If it were only a dancing competition the audience would not get to vote, only the judges who know dancing. Duh.
It’s always been a popularity contest!! But by the midway…common sense usually prevails and were left with only great dancers.
I stopped watching after Mario Lopez lost. Clearly this show rigged. I disagree with the green eye monster theory because some girl from General Hospital won, she was cute and sexy.
Christine India
Of course it’s always been a popularity contest.
And I’ll tell you who DID NOT vote for Kristin: females, average age of 20-28; they are always protective of their men, even if it’s a sexy little minx on TV. It’s the law of the jungle and it matters not if she was a good dancer. Example: When Selena Gomez started dating Justine Bieber, she got death threats: Jealousy is the green-eyed monster, it’s been around for centuries.
None of this is a surprise. Of course it’s a popularity contest. However, there have been occasions when a relative unknown (like Giles Marini) turns into a fabulous dancer and not only gets high marks, but you just have to vote for him.
Maybe if Kristin had experienced a nip slip or launched fart (like Nancy Grace), then she would have still been on the show.
If Nancy Grace soils herself next week, then she will make it another week.
We all know the show is rigged which explains the dip in ratings from from previous seasons.