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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The most fascinating aspect of the reccent Paris incident with Kim Kardashian and the Russian prankster is the fact that she never flinched or changed her face throughout the experience! The Russian guy popped up behind Kim and dived under her flimsy skirt to kiss her on the butt. Huge guards leaped after the guy and roughly wrestled him to the ground. There was a lot of shouting and chaos but Kim didn’t bother to stop and look, and never changed her face. (Her eyebrows never even went up!) How can that be? She kept that same peaceful blank robotic look that she always has with Kanye.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. NASA Public Affairs

    Some years ago, top scientists at NASA postulated that if The Ass of Kardashian continued to expand, that eventually, under certain evironmental conditions, The Ass would, theoretically, create its own gravitational energy–pulling in any other objects that wandered into its atmosphere.

    Now, after years of The Ass becoming ever larger, while at the same time increasing exponentially its density and mass, this recent incident in Paris proves our best thinkers to have been right.

    Regrettably, it came at the expense of the young explorer who we understand suffered a broken nose, borken cheekbones, and a fractured clavicle, as a result of the immense force of gravity of this amazing sphere at close range. As shown in the astonishing photographs, it took many bystanders–several of them burly men–to extract the young man from The Ass of Kardashian.

    We at NASA are grateful for his sacrifice; his work will help in the future exploration of this amazing ass. We would, however, remind the public that such dangerous undertakings should be left to professionals.

  2. Giada De Putana

    A filthy disgusting prostitute

  3. AnnaBelleLeigh

    So much Botox & Plastic Surgery her face is frozen now……

  4. rowing

    her flashy moves are totally right, PRUDISH AMERICA!!

  5. Palermo

    Like their entire lives, that was staged. Or else her situational awareness is shite.

  6. Annie

    She staged the whole incident.

  7. Wilson

    Maybe she’s lost sensation in that over-used area.

  8. Swami

    That trace of a Mona Lisa smile hints at Kim’s revenge: unfortunately for the perp, Kim had her favorite breakfast burritos that morning–with the usual methane infused after-effects ensuing.

    Let’s just say the dude got more than he bargained for when he moved in for a stolen butt-kiss (plus he got his own ass kicked by her bodyguards)! 😉

  9. Tmin

    It’s very simple! She already knew it would happen:….everything in her life is pre planned now !

  10. renee

    maybe she thought he was kanye?

  11. Diva

    She is a Stepford wife.