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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

24’s Kiefer Sutherland is leaving Domnick’s in West Hollywood after having dinner with his pretty companion. He walked out with a huge smile on his face holding hands with this equally cheerful young woman. Obviously SHE was more intoxicating than cocktails because Kiefer was pleasantly sober for a change and as always, greeted fans and press outside. He IS a happy guy. The back of his nylon jacket said” Iron Workers Local #1 Chicago”

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  1. Anonymous

    Wow, What a hottie that he’s with! I think that the whole dress and jeans thing will actually catch on. As far as her race goes, maybe she is haitian…more exotic if you ask me.

  2. Anonymous

    Two happy people-good for them. A nice change.

  3. Anonymous

    You all are mean

  4. sc

    he looks like hell. All that drinking has given him rosacea.

  5. Anonymous

    Ummm, well she’s not got black skin so i’m guessing she’s not black

  6. Anonymous

    kiefer is yogurt.

  7. american_in_holland

    A dress over jeans is very popular in Europe right now.

  8. Anonymous

    I dont like her. She’s a dog

  9. Anonymous

    A dress over jeans? Interesting concept. Wonder if it will catch on.

  10. notes from a nudist colony

    um, sure, great. hope they had a nice dinner.
    i have to say that i like her outfit because she will have plenty of outfits to wear should they spur of the moment decide to jet off to Bolivia or Bangkok or Brentwood.
    Yes, when you can’t decide what to wear, what the hell, put it all on ! its Jane Bond.