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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

“24” star Kiefer Sutherland has a new hangout- “The Association” – an underground hipster bar in downtown Los Angeles. He’s known for being a charming barfly and a big tipper. On his last visit Kiefer drank a full bottle of Dewars scotch. He confessed to a staffer that he was going to “smoke in the bathroom” and no one bothered him. Before he left, he assured an employee that he didn’t drive – “I’m not THAT dumb” he joked. Let’s hope he also gave up the head-butting.

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  1. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    Pretty sad. I’m surprised he’s not on some kind of probation.

    Keifer, give up the bottle, Dude. It ain’t working for you.

  2. MamaSan

    Which loser (male or female) has he hooked up with lately, if any?

  3. Generation X

    I hope he drinks/drugs too much and barfs all over his date. Methinks that his date will have a penis.

  4. Reta

    Hey Biscuit…DITTO!!!

  5. biscuit

    I get so mad when movie stars/TV stars are given jobs making 100 times what the average person makes. And then they drink themselves into a stupor and expect us to still watch their TV shows or movies. Forget it. I hope this stupid sickly looking jerk throws up every time he takes a sip of booze.

  6. clementine

    a whole bottle of scotch? i’m just glad he’s not driving either…dude is gonna collapse from alcohol poisoning one day…

  7. Mother Hen

    1) Never liked him in anything..TV or movies.

    2) Always thought he liked the boys.

    3) He is not good looking – looks like a weasel.

  8. Scruffy

    Keifer is also a gayblade. He is always out with the BOYS drunk as a puking loser!

  9. captain america

    ………….only when his hands are shaking.

  10. right

    Kiefer is a stinkin drunk.