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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Hasn’t publicity hungry Khloe Kardashion figured out by now that she should NEVER pose with her petite sister Kourtney? Separately, the two sisters look just fine, but TOGETHER, Khloe looks like a hulkish female wrestler or amazon, and her tiny sister looks like a normal size female. Khloe’s shoulders seem a mile wider and rather mannish. We’re not crazy about Khloe’s choice of attire for a cancer fundraiser in New York either. Didn’t Kim wear that dress awhile back?

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Paula

    She’ll always be Sasquatch to me!!

  2. Palermo

    Will we never be free of this plague

  3. Daggers

    The rag mags state that Khloe’s pappy is O.J. That should settle it. Plus the fact that Khloe looks exactly O.J.s dtr.

  4. Tooty McPooty

    They look like 2 Vegas hookers.

  5. Hillary C

    Her Father is OJ Simpson ?

  6. libby

    mona..kloe looks EXACTLY like that hairdresser that her mom was good friends with go look up a pic of the 2 of them together

  7. apollo

    so this cheater is a man after all.

  8. noblecascade

    The 50 ft. Woman….a movie?

  9. Rae

    These people are trash who have nothing to offer. Why does anyone care about them?

  10. Mona


    To us it looks like Kourtney is standing in a hole cut in the floor. 😀

    And–bless her!–even showing up with her most of her dress cut away can’t steal any of Khloe’s shine; Kourt’s lot in life is to be the other, older sister–the also ran. Khloe, on the other hand, is coming into her own.

    As for her size, could she have helped that? She’s embracing her voluptuousness, and her robust frame, which she obviously inherited from her father, Orenthal.