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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Khloe has always felt like the least attractive Kardashian sister and now she’s determined to turn herself into a bombshell. Her competition is stiff because the other girls have all made names for themselves for various reasons. Khloe intends to stand out as the only blonde, so she bleached her hair and extensions. Her frequent trips to the gym only emphasize the fact that her bottom is getting bigger than Kim’s and her clothes tighter. Above, she’s at the airport and doesn’t seem at all fazed by a random hand on her butt. No feelings there?

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    Everyone would benefit from me being in lock-up of some kind.

  2. Walt er

    you qualify too Strom, for lithium and inpatient therapy

  3. Strom

    Little imposters and Poor poor Sharona….checking in from the trailer park and ready to come to the aid of any white trash who happily services BLACKS!

  4. missyco

    So the first Strom post is hilarious!

  5. Strom

    Exciting news!! Kim is preggers!!

  6. Bluejay

    Too late. Khloe, Kim, Kendell, Kris can all forget about it.
    Caitlyn is the reigning bombshell.

  7. Paula


  8. Sharona Dallas 40

    ya that’s it, … everybody wants to live in their parents basement

  9. Strom

    More trash…..poor little imposters so in love with the Kardashians and so envious of Strom they want to be Strom.

  10. xyzc

    U mean poopshell

  11. John

    Her father was her mother’s hairdresser, Alex Roldan. Google an image of him in his youth. She looks just like him. Her attempts to become a “bombshell” are also attempts to hide her true paternity.

  12. mister baja

    so bringing shame to entire america is her game now…………..

  13. Strom

    Join the club Khloe!
    I don’t have any feeling in my ass!

  14. Gemma St. Ivens

    Are there photos of her visiting her biological Father in prison?

  15. shelia c.

    Janet, you’re certainly picking low hanging fruit aren’t you ?