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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Kelsey Grammer must be the perfect husband. He’s one of the richest men in Hollywood thanks to his two long running series (Cheers and Frasier) and he has a new sitcom with Patricia Heaton, “Back to You” debuting this fall. Yet he STILL has time to run out and pick up dinner to go for the wife and kids at Nobu.

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  1. Anonymous

    Sober feels real good.

  2. Snottyboy

    Mr. Fraser is also an arch conservative, bush supporter. Can’t wait for his 15 minutes to tick tock away…

  3. Anonymous

    he’s a sick twisted man.

  4. Anonymous

    Dennis Quaid’s new wife has a “gestational carrier” so as not to ruin her body…Its the latest thing in having a baby.

  5. Anonymous

    Why did his wife have other women carry their children? Did she refuse to gain weight for the pregnancies? Her excuse irritable bowel syndrome is a fake reason. Now, other Holywood wives are refusing to carry their babies.

  6. Kait

    You criticize Constantine Margoulis for his taste in younger women, then praise Kelsey Grammer–he too married a woman much younger than he. As do 3/4 of the men in Hollywood.

  7. Anonymous

    WOW! Somebody half-way normal in Hollyweird. Good for him. The younger crowd would send their “people” to do that.