Kelly Osbourne, 25, and her lookalike model boyfriend Luke Worrall, 20, have been together since ’08 and rumored to be engaged. But, if Luke’s latest magazine cover is any indication, a wedding may be out of the question. Luke appeared in drag on the cover of Candy – a cross dressing magazine in the UK. He looks awfully comfortable in makeup and women’s attire, causing us to doubt that Kelly will ever be walking down the aisle with him.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A lot of straight girls are attracted to gay men and think they can change them. I’ve been in the dance-theater scene in NYC since the 80s and most dancers are gay, there are a few exceptions.
Whatever, repeat…whatever he is, it is not a good thing and I can’t figure out why a supposedly straight girl would want him.
Barkley, just where do you get your info on who is OUT and GAY on DWTS? There seems to be a whole lot of assuming about people’s sexuality on this site, and I don’t get it. It always seems to be that SOMEONE is gay who isn’t or has never come out as that. Just because someone dances, doesn’t make them gay!!
Barkley, can’t be gay and masculine? I beg to differ.
chi chi
He is too young for her, I agree, it wont be a good thing for her.
He’s gay a straight guy wouldn’t pose like that for a mag cover. And Reta, you say Kelly’s dancing partner was VERY MASCULINE? He’s not and he’s the only out gay on “Dancing with the Stars” although I’m sure most of the other male dancers are as well.
captain america
americans really must like SISSY-BOYS & FAGGOTS, folks?
He didn’t even stand after she danced. Total loser. Dump him now, Kel.
Cross Dressing is not gay.
Nah, he’s not for Kelly. Sorry all you liberals, but he is seriously f***ed up in the head. Living with Papa Ozzie has messed up her thinking.
Oh for heaven’s sake. An cross dresser won’t fit in the Osborne family? She may reject him at some point, but I don’t imagine it will be over this. If he is faithful and loves her, his cross dressing won’t be a problem. Just don’t see it. They are so cute together. I have my figures crossed for them.
As some have already stated, a cross-dresser is not necessarily gay… BUT, in this case…
Kelly, RUN as fast as you can! 🙂
While cross dressing does not necessary mean Luke will step out on Kelly with men, he is 5 years younger than Kelly. There’s a big difference, mentally, btwn a 20 yr old and 25 year old woman. And Kelly has matured physically and emotionally so maybe she will outgrow Luke.
Helena Handbasket
Luke Worrall is just a star-fuc*er, pure and simple. Poor Kelly. Regardless of Luke’s sexual proclivities– he’s just a USER and will break her heart in the end.
When I saw how she behaved with her Dancing with the Stars partner, who was VERY masculine, I did wonder about her attraction to this pale skinny young man. They seem more like brother and sister than marraige material. Can’t even BEGIN to imagine them in a hot sexual mode! She needs to drop this faker and get herself a real man now that she has a sleek new body and some great moves too!! She’s grown a lot, maybe she’s grown past this crap too (let’s hope)!!!
Don’t get it. Cross dressing precludes neither heterosexual love nor marriage.