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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


What put smiles on the faces of Kelly Osbourne and her mother Sharon Osbourne, as they walk arm in arm? Mother and daughter love spending time together shopping and on this particular day, they visited the ultra-fancy candy store for adults, Sugarfina, in West Hollywood. The store sells beautifully packaged delectables such as “Fuji apple caramels” and “champagne gummy bears.”

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Jake

    Sugarfina is in Beverly Hills not West Hollywood.

  2. tagg

    Wonder how the other daughter feels being left out or maybe she chooses to distance herself from this sad family?

  3. Newbie

    Kelly looks 40. Not a good 40 either. A bad, bad 40.

  4. Carlos Danger

    When did Kelly start to look like Drew Carey with purple hair?

  5. ah-yuck

    As Thersa stated, Kelly looks like an old woman. That tinted hair needs to go.

  6. mister baja

    ………….who is the granny here?

  7. Ronny

    Kelly seems to have inherited her mom’s loud mouth but not her mother’s shrewd savvy or her father’s humility. She does have an original sense of style though! Hopefully she is going to develop her creative talents so that she doesnt come off quite so crass.

  8. Dee Cee

    Kelly says.. My rich dad gave me money.. And I never have to worry for anything as.. I am rich.. I can work if I want to or not.. buzz off, but not in this censored way. Sharon should have made her kids go to college and live like normal kids, she saw Ozzie go bonkers, ya’d think she’d fear for her kids doing the same..

  9. pusssykatt

    They can eat all the sugar they want…get lipo (Sharon SAYS she did Atkins…as if), and claim it was exercise and portion control. They are both horrible people and liars.

  10. Palermo


  11. Philberto Cardenez

    disgraceful duo.

  12. Daggers

    Colin, by gosh, your’re correct, she does look like Robin Williams.

    This girl has had more different looks (via hair, weight, glasses, clothes, etc) than any one on earth. Who is she really?

  13. Colin

    Kelly looks like Robin Williams here

  14. Strom

    The little imposter is guilty of much more!

  15. lippp

    Where’s the fashion police when you need them? Kelly is clearly guilty of a felony

  16. Strom

    I just ADORE how Kelly looks! Love, love, love everything she’s wearing, especially the glasses! What a glam makeover! Anybody know where she got her haircut? I’d copy that in a minute!!!

  17. Theresa

    Wow. I thought Kelly was an old woman. Not a good look.

  18. Strom
