Since Keith Urban checked into rehab, rumors have been swirling about where he might be, and whether Nicole Kidman is a frequent visitor. Naturally it’s a big secret, but the media has speculated that he might be at a place called Cumberland Heights Clinic in Tennesee because it’s close to his home. WE hear he’s actually checked into the old stand-by, Betty Ford in California. Urban’s management team is in Southern California and they probably joined up with Nicole to make it all happen. Since Betty Ford limits visitors during early treatment, we doubt whether Nicole is spending time with him yet. But she WILL.
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13 thoughts on “KEITH URBAN: IN GOOD HANDS”
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I heard he is at promises in Malibu
Rehabs for quitters!
I doubt he’s in Betty Ford – it’s not hot among the celeb set anymore.
I’d bet on Promises.
ahhhh– it’s always fun and games when you marry a drug addict.
what was she thinking?????
I really think he is sincere in his quest for sobriety, why would he risk walking away with nothing (as the pre-nup states)?? They truly love one another and will get thru this together. Best wishes to you both!
If only she had waited a little longer for goodness sake before marrying him.
What was she thinking!!!!!
What was the rush?
What was the rush?
Tom’s wedding.
He is at Promises not BF!
Who cares where he is rehabbing? This is no one’s business.
Whether your a celeb or not it is very hard to admit that you have a problem. Has to be alot harder for celebrities. This is a very personal time for anyone, and everyone should respect that. It takes courage to take this step. Hang in there Keith and Nicole!
He’s got the cutest bumm. I just want to kiss it.
He will not walk away with nothing. The man has his own millions and his own career. I hope he walks away from Nicole Kidman and all of her PR manipulations.
But he’s got an ugly face. His songs suck, too.