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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Okay, Katy Perry has REALLY white skin and has to be careful under the sun, but is that an excuse to enjoy a beach outing looking like THIS? Nobody would have recognized her if she was alone, but Orlando Bloom was also in their group, and looking quite good. (Katy’s mom is right behind her and Daisy is in her arms.) But Katy, that AWFUL hat and that equally unflattering muumuu beach cover is a criminal combination for such an attractive woman, and in this case, even the mask is not flattering. (As we all know, some people look BETTER in a mask.) You don’t have to be stick-thin to look decent on the beach. In this get-up, she could be mistaken for Orlando’s mother. Has Katy forgotten that she is more than a mom- she’s a major celebrity!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA,

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  1. Orlando Bloom's sex change

    She looks fine to me. Really healthy.

  2. Brondie

    Take off the stupid mask!

  3. Wilson

    Agree – pretty awful.

  4. Miz Busybody

    She looks fine. Not every trip to the beach is a fashion statement. She is not posing for a fashion magazine. She is a mom holding her daughter wearing comfortable clothes. Get a grip Janet. Geez

  5. Dan Dan

    She looks fine. She’s covering up, which is smart to do at the beach. EXCEPT, the low neckline on her cover-up does not cover her chest and neck. The chest receives too much sun exposure even without going to the beach.