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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin

Katy Perry was seen out having fun with Rob Pattinson in Burbank, so where does that leave Russell Brand, back in London? Are they still an item, or what? Katy might have to make up her mind – which one would YOU pick?

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  1. dandy lion

    Dear umm:

    I do not know if Lil Off Broadway is male or female, but what he/she said makes sense.
    If these two hit a gay bar, how long before they would be hit on, esp. the one with short shorts. You must be queer yourself if you take offense to what L’il O.B. said.

  2. umm

    Hey LIL OFF Broadway,
    What a huge closet case you are. I mean duh, hence your screen name? “sing out louise”! Are you angry cause you’re really ugly?
    You are the text book closet case, most men with gay issues as strong as yours actually fantasize about it and can’t come to terms with it. Why not just get out of that double wide of yours and go get some dick, you’ll be glad you did. Maybe you’ll be less envious and angry at others.
    Hey,maybe captain america can help you out, he’s got some issues too with his sexuality also! LOL

  3. Condor

    Russell Brand = hottest male on the planet. Smart, educated, funny. Katy’s lucky to have him so besotted with her.

  4. MamaSan

    ^^^^^^They have for quite a while. Pretty boy Hugh Grant is another english prick.

  5. SebastianCanada

    When did Britain start producing douche bags?

  6. Liberal Media Is Corrupt

    Where are the real men/hunks in Hollywad????

    Give me Clark Gable any day. That’s a man.

  7. captain america

    there is no difference.

  8. L'il Off Broadway

    The casting couch is a hard way to get famous, yes, a very hard way (if you get my drift). Are you two faggots (uh, I mean fellas) listening?

    More thoughts:

    Katy Perry looks like a cupie doll. She is angelic looking and looks are deceiving.

    Is that a faggot with his arm around RP?

  9. Bu

    Russell Brand is very funny…There has was the MTV awards were he was bad, but most other things he has done are very funny.

  10. Reta

    I’m with Etienne! Brand is really a geek and not funny AT ALL!! And Rob has a serious TRIANGLE HEAD!!! I wouldn’t want either of them, I’d rather play with my toys!!

  11. Miss Eva

    That guy on the left is seriously knock-kneed! LOL!

  12. Tinchy

    Katy Perry was seen this morning in L.A. kissing Russell Brand.So I guess her choise is still Brand.(Check the other gossip sites,they had this info erlier on).

  13. susan smith

    hands down Russell

  14. Etienne

    I’d rather be celibate for the rest of my life than touch either one of these nasty-looking guys with somebody ELSE’S ten-foot pole. If they were the last two men on earth, I’d demand a recount. BLAH!

  15. cal

    ha ha ha ha, check out those daggy socks!!! OMG so funny.

    If I ‘had’ to pick one, Rob would be the easy pick, but unlike you Janet ;-), I wouldn’t be that enthusiastic about it.

    If Katy is going at it with both of them, then (like me) she likes that pale look.

  16. right

    Anyone notice Kates left breast is much larger than the right. I have some great pics to support my theory.