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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Hard to believe that OJ’s former houseguest Kato Kaelin is 59 now, but we have to hand it to him – he sure doesn’t look it! Still boyish and cute, (and he’s still got that HAIR) he’s often in the company of pretty women. Over the years Kato has had an odd assortment of jobs – reality shows, sportscasting, radio shows – he was a spokesperson for and our favorite – he fronted a clothing line called Slackerwear (inactive wear for couch potatoes.) He’s always doing SOMETHING – after all, he can afford to dine at Craig’s restaurant with his companion, above.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. allcanadianamericanboybrady

    Just think,ladies,boyish,cute Kato has become a SENIOR CITIZEN !!!!!!!

  2. blackgoldenbachelorbradyjr

    EVERYONE with a higher than room temperature IQ knows O.J. killed Nicole and Ron.

  3. Arlene from Dragons Den

    He knows that OJ Simpson, Khloe’s birth Father murdered Nicole and Ron.

  4. handsomeolderblackchapbradyjr

    You’re jealous because the still-boyishly handsome Kato Kaelin would NEVER date YOU CHICKS !!!!!!

  5. blackoutlawgoldenjoyboybradyjr

    Kait,admit it:Kato’s a handsome older lad who’s aged FAR better than about 95% or more of dudes !!!!!!!

  6. blackoutlawgoldenjoyboybradyjr

    You probably wish he were your boy,Kait !!!!!!!(If I weren’t black,you’d probably wish I were your golden boy !!!!!!)

  7. blackoutlawgoldenjoyboybradyjr

    I’m SEVENTY,boyish,cute,black and bald!!!!!!!! (So THAT’S where Kato Kaelin is today.) Could someone here recommend me to be the next “Golden Bachelor?”

  8. Kait

    He totally looks it. Just another aging, narcissistic L.A. guy desperately trying to look younger with overpriced hair, glasses, jeans… and interchangeable younger women.

  9. Katy

    a depraved fellow

  10. butthead

    found the secret for an ever lasting youth?

    ……………..ASIAN WOMEN!!