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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#katieholmes #janetcharlton

Katie Holmes is picking up some coffee at a shop in New York – it looks like she walks around without any sort of bodyguard. Her play “Dead Accounts” was just cancelled seven weeks ahead of schedule due to lackluster ticket sales. From the looks of that girl up front with the eye makeup and two tone hair, maybe Katie could USE some security….

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Denise

    It just occurred to me that the “person” in the right corner resembles a young Boy George.

  2. Honoria

    With a triple process no less!

  3. Noblecascade

    yeah, that doesn’t even look like a real person,maybe a doll?

  4. cletus

    she is looking for some POT to smoke?
    oooooooh no, THIS ISN’T AMSTERDAM!!

    (snoop dog is also “GONE”)

  5. Christine India

    harold and Denise………..that may be a planet alien sent from L. Ron Hubbard from the bowels of hell to keep an eye on Katie and report to Tiny Tommy. Methinks, she is still being followed by just plain Scientologists, goons that have no mind but to do what they’re told. After all, if something should happen to Katie, the short one would of course get Suri. Poor Katie, every Broadway play she stars in Flops after a few weeks. She is looking even more haggard and worried; wouldn’t want to be her for any$thing$.

  6. Hello

    The truth that this post is not about black’s, black (ocks or kardiashians. I see Katie Holmes.

  7. strom

    The truth stings sometimes.

  8. Glen B

    hey Strom, stay on topic you cretin

  9. Hello

    This pic has nothing to do with blacks, black (ocks or kardiashans.

  10. strom

    It’s bad that the PAP’s can invade the privacy of a famous person with a picture that turns into a thread like this, not so much for the Kardashians who are on the lookout for fame and more BLACK meat, but for someone like this, with no bodyguard, who doesnt seek fame.

  11. Denise

    I too am distracted by that girl in the right corner. It almost looks photoshopped in.

  12. harold M.

    who’s the alien in the right foreground ? That’s what I want t know. Not so interested in Miss Holmes.