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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Looks like Katie Holmes is thoroughly enjoying the side benefits of going out with a handsome chef. They seem to eat a lot of Italian meals together – many of them cooked by Emilio Vitolo Jr or his family. Katie has never looked happier. Is the way to a woman’s heart through her stomach?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Strom

    emmy nailed it. She was played for the fool by one more BLACK man looking for a white girl to dally with!

  2. emmy

    Look how wide she can open her mouth probably a result from dating Jamie Fox

  3. Patrick

    Look at the way she’s attacking that pie….Strom!?

  4. Giancarlo Fissicola

    I’m sure Emilio is thinking of Tom Cruise when he makes love to her