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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


This domestically blissful photo of Kathy Griffin and her husband Randy was taken BEFORE last Thursday when she had the lung scan you see below. You might recall that Kathy was diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer last year, and had a portion of her left lung removed. Last week she had a scan to monitor the condition, but couldn’t get hold of an oncologist to look at it and tell her if it the result was good or bad. (She says her surgeon ghosted her) Kathy posted her scan on Instagram – saying she hoped that one of her readers would show it to an oncologist for an opinion – healthy or not? She got plenty of comments and the results seem to be good – no evidence of disease!

Photos: Instagram

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  1. Doc Hollywood

    LOL “Light brigade” is some Trumper rioter insurrectionist wacko I presume. Nice hate post buddy. No one cares what you think.

  2. emmy

    Glad to hear that she is OK

  3. lolita express

    sure why not

  4. Light Brigade

    No big wonder why she was ghosted. She is a despicable human being.