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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Everyone was startled by Kathy Griffin’s sudden announcement that she was isolated in the hospital with “unbearably painful symptoms” and unable to get a coronavirus test. In an interview with the LA Times, she slammed the president’s coronavirus response and blamed him for lack of testing. Ever since this revelation, we’ve been wondering WHAT Kathy’s alarming symptoms WERE. Turns out she had an abdominal infection, which has been treated, and she is now at home. She’s not alone- her 19 years younger husband Randy Bick (he’s also her road manager) is taking good care of her.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Sugar Plum

    She is a vile, uncouth, clownish birdbrain. After her disgustful, unfunny, humorless stunt she howled and wailed at how unfair the to the stunt that she orchestrated was.

    Now she’s sick with coronavirus. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if someone wheels a hospital bed around with a “dead” Kathy Griffin in it and uploads it to Youtube? Hahahaha that would be sooo funny.

    Oh, what’s wrong Kathy? We thought you loved this type of humor. Not anymore? Things have changed? It’s not funny? You’re offended?

  2. Patrick

    What. A creature.

  3. Wilson

    Have never been a fan. Her humor is mean-spirited.

    She is her own worst problem, not the healthcare system or any politician.

    Must be hard for her to get any press as a has-been, so she blames others, any PR is good PR, as they say in Hollywood.

  4. Britishteeth

    I agree with Dan Dan. She calls out Donnie.

  5. Dan Dan

    I love her. She dares to speak truth to morons.

  6. Mercy

    She wasn’t tested because medical professionals decided her symptoms didn’t meet the criteria & were caused by something else, which she was treated for. It had nothing to do with the President but she sure got a lot of free publicity & directed attention to herself again. When she’s well she should put her hatred aside & think of others for a change.

  7. Beachy

    She is a disgusting pig. It must suck to be so full of hate.

    Trump should carry around her severed head when he’s re-elected.

  8. laina sweeney

    Who cares about this vile woman!!!

  9. Frank Sheeran

    She did test positive for TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). She is a disgrace of a human being.

  10. Diva

    Good news, she is great! Not a Donald puppet.

  11. Elwood Blues

    An odd lady