Kate Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Kate Gosselin’s divorce will be final by the end of the year and she’s thinking about her romantic future. For years, she has harbored a crush on recently widowed Liam Neeson and she wants to meet him. Kate knows that Liam is still mourning the loss of his wife Natasha Richardson, so she’s biding her time. She has a mutual friend in the entertainment industry willing to introduce her to Liam when the timing seems right. Kate figures a single father is her best bet. It may be just a fantasy, but Kate enjoys thinking about it.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
c mcfadden
pffffft! seriously this troglodyte witch wants to get her claws into Liam Neeson? really? oh honestly, if he even thinks of dating her he’ll get a lightning bolt in the butt from heaven (I hope) and if not I’ll kick him south of the border myself to illustrate my point. Kate Gosselin is a MUPPET! this shouldn’t even make soft news! Liam Neeson is WAAAAAY better than this airhead!
This is a floating tease to let wealthy, famous men know Kate is available. She thinks she is famous for…what exactly?
Having kids? Billions of women have given birth before her.
More important: Who wrote her book? Who writes what she says on TV?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Kate is delusional if she thinks she could snag Liam Neeson! The way she presented herself on the TLC show would be enough to turn any man completely off. Natasha Richardson was a classy, wonderful warmhearted lady, and Kate comes across as none of the above.
As If
Also, add the Kardashians.
As usual, the Biblically illiterate are here.
dee cee
He’s used to a diamon, educated woman Rich in spirit…rich in family and friends and first class.. no way he’d want to pal around with a gold digging, backbiting gutter wench
Dil Doe
Boy, As If is the type of sanctimonious slob that gives religion a bad name.
As If
Oh yeah, also the ever-present idiots Paris Hilton, Britney, and Lindsay Lohan. And so many more.
As If
I was so sad when Natasha died. Why are all the good ones taken and left down here are the whores, faggots, and lesbians: Adam Lambert, Clay Aiken, ellen, Letterman, Shauna Sand, Jon Gosselin, John Mayer, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, yada yada yada. Only God knows why. Maybe it is to teach the rest of us to count our blessings that we are trying to abide by the Words of the Bible.
mom to five
She sure has a lofty goal there! He is too classy and she is too gauche for him. Natasha would be spinning in her grave over that pairing. I would hope she would haunt them if that happened!
She’s such a piece of work!!!!
And we know this is true because??? Or even remotely plausible because???? Wake up people, Janet made this up to get people to come to her site.
Natasha Richardson was kind, smart, and warm hearted! I can’t see Liam with Kate! EVER!
who is filling her head with these delusions that she could even get CLOSE to Liam Neeson? That man is A list, and she’s not even on the radar in Hollywood…she’s a nobody in that town, there is no way he’d even consider going out with her…dream on you skank..
captain america
…………….he must have money somewhere?
Bettye Bluejay
“Fame” has really gotten her mind all effed up.
SebastianCanada is right. Liam is a CLASS act — why would he EVER be interested in
someone like Kate, who is a complete publicity whore? I see Liam eventually marrying again, but to someone not in show business in any way…
Natasha was a class act through and through. Kate is suburban-American trash. Neeson’s cleaning lady probably has more class than Gosselin.
Well, so what, let her make a play for him. If he rejects her, so what, at least she tried. And if he goes for her for some unknown reason, well, actually that would be a really tough twosome to picture together, but so what. Or, maybe they could just console each other for the sad times.
OMG He was married to British theater royalty, and now he would be interested in a ball busting, publicity seeking witch?
Janet, I’m going to sue you. I laughed so hard, I busted a gut.
I think Liam is hot. She is a pretty lady. It could go either way with her, is she cool or not? Not sure, but her choice in Liam is smoking.
Yeah, I have my eye on Liam, too, but I am not the bitch that one is with an idiot ex-husband to be who dates too young and is a mess and I don’t have that baggage.
I think I have a better chance with him than her.
Helena Handbasket
“Right” is dead-on. That witch is delusional in the worst way. Her latest notion of a possible relationship with a classy thespian like Liam Neeson is even more ridic that her plan to become an “actress”.
The only way Kate Gosselin will ever get into the movies– will be to buy a ticket like everyone else.
OMFG!!! Are you even kidding me, does she realize that she is a reality TV bitch mom?
I can’t even believe that this is true
Forget about Liam. What would any man want with a ball buster with 8 spawn from her ex the retard, jon. This woman is delusional. If Liam goes anywhere near her, I will be surprised.
Ant what in THE HELL would Liam want with a woman with 8 kids? Let alone that she’s a horrible nagging BITCH!! She sure has a high opinion of herself!