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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Kayne West wants his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian to SHOW HIM THE MONEY! Kayne was by far the wealthier one when he and Kim first got married, but through the course of their marriage HER net worth increased while HIS plummeted (thanks in part to his anti-Semitic outbursts.) According to my source, Kayne, while not hurting for cash, is now far poorer than Kim. He feels HE’S responsible for much of her success, and wants their divorce settlement revised – so that SHE pays him! It could turn into a legal mess, since Kim has already heard through the grapevine that Kayne is thinking of suing her!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Signing autographs at Las Vegas listening party for Vultures. North is dressing like her dad….

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  1. Doc Hollywood

    These people are hardly role models or worth our sympathy except for their failing mental health. That is always sad.

  2. P Diddy's crisis manager

    Kim became famous because her Mother releases an adult video. How quaint.