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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


She only started modeling a year or so ago, but Kaia Gerber, 16, has been losing weight very quickly. Her teenage fans are alarmed and buzzing that she’s anorexic. Ironically, Kaia’s mother Cindy Crawford was always celebrated as a model with a little meat on her bones – and very sexy in a swimsuit. Maybe Kaia has been influenced by the slightly older models she works with who smoke cigarettes instead of eating…

Above, Kaia picking up some “groceries” in Malibu

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Tom Maika

    I think she is working out and getting ready for her next professional shoot. Why don’t people leave her alone? She is trying to get slim and is a professional model. She knows what she is doing and I commend her professionalism. To be critical of this pic is to catch someone at a moment of casualness and is unfair. Who knows if the photo has been doctored ! Go KAIA !

  2. susieserb

    Deep State (Hollywood) will eat you alive (quite literally)..Get out and never look back.

  3. alwaysMIA

    This girl needs to eat a real meal. No modelling gig is worth losing your health over.

  4. clarence

    so we got a funeral these days?

  5. shane

    Her parents are assholes. her father is ina relatuionship with george clooney. everyone knows this.

  6. Kait

    Cindy really had a magical face, and I don’t see it in Kaia. Yet another well-connected skinny young girl.

    Celebs always look miserable because they’re trained to give off the “I hate paparazzi” look.

  7. AFFA81

    she looks absolutely miserable. what kind of parenting is going on? shame on them

  8. Lindyp

    Of course, body shaming is always OK if the person is too thin, but if they’re obese we’re supposed to celebrate their “curves” and “fierceness”.

  9. And then there's Maude

    Nepotism is a hard road

  10. Daggers

    She would never have even been considered to be a model if her mother were not famous. Already her face is ashen and gaunt from trying to be TOO thin. Grow a brain and look in the mirror.

  11. Diane McGill

    Not much of a fashion sense. Those shoes look terrible with the dress.

  12. susan M. treppa

    yes..on blind gossip there was that was obviously about her..her parents told her she has to be very thin to make it as a model…it went on about the small amout of food eaten every day…she is way too thin

  13. Laina Sweeney

    She looks horrible!!! Not a good example fr other young girls.