Kevin Federline and Lynne Spears have called a truce and they’re working together to care for Britney’s babies and make sure Britney completes her treatment in rehab. The first time Britney checked into Promises, we told you that Kevin took advantage of her absence and seized his sons who were being cared for at the Malibu house by Lynne. That’s why Britney broke out and she and her mother finally reached an agreement with Kevin. He’s caring for the kids, with the help of his family and Lynne, while Britney is away. Kevin told Britney if she doesn’t complete rehab treatment, she won’t get the boys back. Right now Kevin and Lynne are together interviewing new nannies to help with the kids. We hope whoever gets the job will email this website!
It’s amazing how the rest of us have raised good, upstanding kids without the help of nannies.
How are these nanny-rised kids supposed to have any sense of security with caregivers coming and going, and parents who drop in once in a while to say hi?
Bottom line is Britney is a freakin’ mess and Kevin is holding his own.
Nannies, though? Maybe if these people would have to shoulder the repsonsibility of raising their own kids, they wouldn’t have the time to traipse all over God’s green Earth making fools of themselves. Nannies are not needed – parents are.
How about keeping the paparazzi away for a year or so and letting Brit et al get better??
I don’t care much for any of them, but enough is enough.
Why do people insist on telling you what goes through others thoughts or hearts. How the hell do they know. Why would Kevin not love his children. As far as I’ve seen he is still involved with the children he shares with Shar too. He’s just a guy trying to accomodate everyone and do they right thing. I hope he gets money why shouldn’t he? Women have been doing it forever and no one criticizes.
kevin has been doing everything right since the breakup. he rented a house, and has been staying out of the publics eye. obviously he is getting some good advice.
why shouldnt he have taken his kids while his ex-wife is in rehab? he has joint custody. he is their father. it is his right.
thats true….kevin should be sent to rehab too. maybe they can get a suite together at the overpriced hotel in malibu that they call promises. yeah, when you stay there, you promise to pay their asses hundreds of thousands of dollars.
ohhhh maaaaan.
kevin is a total druggie too.
someone please tell him that looking like vanilla ice isnt sexy. he is a goodlooking guy, but he ruins it with the ghetto thang.
Let’s see…there’s Federline, a wonderful role model who left his daughter and a pregnant girlfriend…and HIS mother who spawned such an upstanding character…and Britney’s mom, who raised a famous and rich but obviously troubled woman…Hmmm, with or without Britney, Sean and Jayden don’t stand a chance (unfortunately)
Britney is dating HKS
Britney is the typical Hollywood bitch who thinks because she has money , fame and big lawyers she can do anything she wants ! Including neglecting these two babies !
If it were anyone else … these kidswould have been taken away !
Wow! He only took those kids for the money. He doesn’t take care of his first two kids because Shar doesn’t have Britney. Keep the kids with Lynne and not the Federline’s. The Federline take white trash to a whole new level. I am so annoyed that Britney wasn’t smart enough to realize that Kevin never loved her for Britney. Now, after two years with Kevin, her looks are washed up and no guy wants to take care of a freeloader’s children. Part of me wants Kevin to take money because she was so stupid to fall for him. The second part wants Britney to fight to keep Kevin away from her money and the kids that he really doesn’t care about.
Art Chic
His karma is being a hands-on dad to 2 boys, which is the last thing a loafer like him wants.
Also he used to be one of BS’s drug dealers.
who cares….they’re all white trash…
normal people wouldnt have to hire nannies to care for their babies…look at how many people out there in the family that could share caring for them, her mom, kevin, kevin’s mom…none of them have to work, and have the time to do it. it would be better for all of them to be there, because kids grow up sooo fast. im not sure what the hell their priorities are.
yeah, i guess it might cut into the important things like shopping and eating sushi at whatever overpriced joint. celebutards.