Justin Timberlake’s recent appearance is trending online as the internet speculates whether his suddenly puffy look is courtesy of plastic surgery, fillers, or just too much food. (Look for a recent photo of Justin because we don’t have one) It’s apparent that Justin’s looks are evolving, and we CAN reveal that he recently auditioned to play Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. THAT might be the reason Justin gained a few pounds and poufed up his hair not long ago. Our source pointed out -and we agree -that Justin is starting to resemble the Ukrainian leader.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Justin and Jessica last summer in Paris for fashion Week
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Supposedly Jessica has male genitalia . You can almost see it peaking out of her skirt.
All the money in the world, with access to top stylists, and they both dress like clowns.
Justin Timberlake: Worst Dressed This Week
Justin stole the shirt from an Everything must go store and the pants he borrowed from Jessica for sure… Jessica on the other hand forgot her bottoms and ripped her leather car seat and covered the trauma around that region