Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel look more like an old married couple every day in every way. Their routine remains the same – whichever coast they’re on. They work out together, jog together, and walk the dogs together. At night they go out to restaurants together. Clubs, not so much. The next step is either marriage, or boredom and drifting…

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  1. I can’t stand them. Justin is from my home town, I’ve heard him sing, he sucks, he just blows puffs into the mic. He did this on Beale Street and the few words he sang were off-key. Jessica Biel is an extremely ugly BUCK-TOOTH skag. She had been trolling for a permanent man for at least 7 years. They are of course shacking, but I don’t think he will marry her. (Buck tooth is where when she barely smiles all her top teeth buck out and every tooth at the back shows).

  2. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of the (4 legged) dogs in the picture, has had some crotch time with jessica.

  3. You can’t sugarcoat what they are doing: living in sin. First Thessalonians Chapter 4, verses 2 and 3….”For ye know wht commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from FORNICATION.”

    When relationships start out with the main ingredient being lust, things go really well….for a time…..then comes Judgment Day. Look at Brad and Angelina; no matter what anyone says they are having troubles, they are fighting and he is a booze-hound, because their relationship began with lust, and this will come to tragedy in the end.

  4. Celeste: “living in “sin”??? Are you friggin NUTS? How OLD are you? Are you living in the dark ages?

    Janet, why don’t you get rid of these Jesus freaks and gay bashers you have ruining your site, it’s the worst site there is! So prehistoric! Janet, Have you ever read the posts on other sites? Why are yours always so frigging crazy with “going to hell” people and nuts Like Gerard Vandenburg thinking/calling everyone “faggots”? It’s SOOO offensive!

  5. Jesus freaks that read celeb gossip sites….
    blows my mind.

  6. ………….FAGGOTS DON’T LIKE KIDS, folks.
    not a chanche!!

  7. To Reta, etc…..Personally I don’t always agree with comments by Captain America and others commenting about religious matters. However, these make interesting reading, and last time I checked it is a free country, free speech and all that. You don’t have to agree with it.

    I just re-read Celeste’s, and it does seem that these two Bible verses would be applicable whatever year or century you live in. Lighten up, it’s just someone’s comment, via the Bible. Or maybe you feel uneasy or scared reading it?

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