It seems like only yesterday that a 15-year-old Justin Bieber was discovered and found instant fame, but times flies and now the 30-year-old singer (and father) doesn’t recognize himself when he looks in the mirror! We’re not talking about his endless tattoos, we are referring to his crow’s feet! According to a source, Justin already gets regular treatments like Botox and facials at a top Beverly Hills doctor, but now he’s planning to undergo an eye-lift to minimize the wrinkles around his peepers. Although the doctor isn’t encouraging surgery at such a young age, Justin seems to be adamant about preserving his boyish looks and is scheduling the procedure.
PHOTO: Instagram – Justin with baby Jack
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
That is NOT baby Jack in the picture. Please do a little basic research if you’re going to claim you have inside information. That picture is of their friends baby years ago. They have NEVER shown baby jacks face. Embarrassing for you.