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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We can’t help but dwell for a moment on Justin Bieber’s appearance on Jay Leno last night. Justin has always looked years younger than his actual age. For the first time, the 17 year old singer seemed to be growing up. At last! First of all, he got rid of that little boy bowl haircut that he fussed about all the time. With his new short spikey hair he looks a little like the late teen actor Corey Haim. Even more important, his voice is definitely getting deeper when he speaks so his singing voice is in transition. It’s about time.

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  1. zippy

    He is going to be a handsome young man as soon as his balls drop.

  2. kait

    This haircut is the worst of them all.

  3. Bluejay

    Why would he be on a late-night show when he appeals to 9 year old girls? More like he should be on a Saturday morning cartoon show.

  4. forrest gump

    sorry to say but most cocks are still to big for his mouth.

  5. Elle

    Frankly, he looks more like an even prettier version of Rachel Maddow. He’s got a very pretty and lyrical features.

  6. Kitty

    I can’t stand this little girly boy. I would never let my daughter listen to him or buy his music, not that a little faux boy would appeal to her anyway.

  7. Christine India aka Indy

    pippa, I agree. And I’m sure all the impressionable young kids know that he shacked up for 2 weeks in Oahu with Selena Gomez. I think he is 17 and she is 19 and have been hot ‘n heavy for about a year or more. Another case of the dumbing down of America.

  8. selene

    He’s really feminine looking….yech.

  9. Lisping Lenny

    He’s being sued by some nut case of a 20 year old woman that is saying he fathered her baby.

    Personally, I thought he might be gay and his little girlfriend was more like a buddy. Doesn’t matter. I don’t really care.

  10. Lisping Lenny

    maybe the kid can gain an inch or two in the height dept. since he is still young.

  11. pippa martins-st. onge

    It fails to amaze me how American Mothers buy this rubbish for their Daughter’s consumption. Wake up!

  12. Indy aka Christine India

    He just wishes the **growing up** would be adding 5 or 6 inches to his 5 foot 5 inches. Lotsa stuff money can’t buy, huh? 🙂