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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s kinda funny how quickly the anti-vaxxers jumped on the idea that Justin Bieber’s Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome facial paralysis might have been caused by the Covid vaccine – along with his wife Hailey’s mini-stroke a few months ago. Not true. It so happens the at the Biebers are anti-vaxxers themselves, and both already have HAD Covid, according to Roger Friedman. Naturally that leads to the possibility that it’s actually the COVID virus that caused the young couple to suffer from uncommon illnesses that typically only afflict people over 60. (long covid?) Something to consider…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA – The Biebers on June 3

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  1. becca

    Soon again when Trump is president, the truth about China making covid in a lab and releasing it on purpose to prepare for their US invasion will be made public

  2. Kerry Smith

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  3. Shelly

    Interesting how Biden dropped his probe on where the virus originated = A lab in Wuhan.

  4. Patrick

    The virus has broken through again as it always will. That’s the way it was designed and weaponized. Gain of function did not happen. It got out before it was understood. Did the U.S. also fund gain of function labs in Ukraine?
    Oh well….back to Hollywood.

  5. Patrick

    They are altering the jabs to suit new variants without the historically required testing out periods. So whom are the test subjects?

  6. Sell out

    Janet can’t admit the jab she promoted for the past year and half is destroying lives.

  7. Discerner

    If they are anti-vax sers, then why did they not allow the unvaccinated into the Beeb’s concerts???

  8. Light Brigade

    So, Janet – your a doctor now?

  9. Beatrice Shilling

    Anti vaxx in this era? They must be involved in some strange Australian religious cult.