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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Back in January, 2019, we all heard that openly gay Empire actor Jussie Smollett said he was attacked at 2 AM by two masked men yelling out racial and homophobic slurs in Chicago. (Being from Chicago we were horrified) Bleeding, he staggered home with a noose around his neck and “a friend” called police because Jussie says “I am a Black man in America and I do not trust police.” Gradually the story started to unravel- the two “attackers” turned out to be Nigerian brothers who claimed Jussie paid them $3500 to stage the event because he felt the attention might get him a raise. When the egotistical actor was charged with 6 counts of felony misconduct, the brothers testified against him. To no one’s surprise, Jussie was found guilty and will be sentenced March 10. Meanwhile, gay publications criticized him and Hollywood was equally turned off. That wasn’t enough. Three years later Jussie has filed an appeal for a new trial- he claims his rights were violated (some technicality) during the trial. He will most likely get only probation and community service, but Jussie wants to drag this out even longer, hoping to be vindicated. Sorry Jussie, but we will never believe you.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA- Jussie Smollett at Harry Belafonte birthday celebration NYC

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  1. America

    No one believes him. He’s a scammer.

  2. Wilson

    Agree, Janet. Will never believe him. A despicable person.

  3. Britishteeth

    What a LOSER

  4. Diva

    He can kiss his career goodbye. He’s an idiot.