Julia Child’s infatuation with mid-century Paris and the city’s cuisine makes for a delicious true story about her life there in the delightful “Julie & Julia.” Meryl Streep is thoroughly convincing as the towering and enthusiastic Julia and Stanley Tucci is endearing as her supportive husband. Their eventful life in France is serious competition for Amy Adams’ contrasting life in modern New York, but Amy is up for the challenge. All in all, the movie is a triumph for Nora Ephron – we thought mostly women would love this movie, but men seem to like it just as much. We walked out of the movie craving beef bourguignon. And Julia would be proud to hear that her cookbooks have hit the best seller list again.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Casonia Sade Logenberry of Seattle Washington And X Rejection of Hells kitchen and for two years always some one tossing out the chance at being on Hells kitchen and that means they end up in the hospital after the first day there and they leave and throw
I Really like Julia Child and Her food was amazing and she made it so that woman where excepted as cooks and her food was french and sexy and tasty and yummy to some degree but I just read her books and saw very little of her on T.V. I just could not pay attention to her for long periods of time and no one has really caught my attention to until Chef Gordon Ramsay and his screaming and insult really tuned me into cooking even more and his smart remarks is something that really makes me pay attention even more.. But Julia Child is really the first roll model in my life and of course learning from Julia is my first push into learning. But the Bull headness of Chef Gordon will always make me pay attention even more!
Noble Cascade
Well, I saw this movie and it was very entertaining! Saw lots of men in the audience. Sure wish I could find a great husband like Julia had.
Not interested in seeing a movie about people cooking and eating. And, I’m not buying Streep as Child. She just doesn’t have the “bombasticness” in my opinion.
PS Gerard Vandenburg/Captain America why don’t you go back to your real name you asshole, you still make absolutely NO sense whatsoever, and NEVER did you misogynistic gay bashing prick!
captain america
……….where are todays “THRILLERS”, folks?
gay tallywacker
It’s fabulous that Meryl Streep can still open a movie. Go ladies!
The Dudette
Nope not interested.
Bettye Bluejay
The Evil Disney Empire behind MC makes them both creepy.
Oh Lily Lily
Miley Cyrus is a whore. By the time she is 18, she will be a hard-core whore.
Thanx, but no thanx.
The clips I saw of Meryl Streep as Julia Child made me want to see this movie — the clips of the “other half” of the movie ensured I will avoid it like the plague! (Yes, I know that is considered the “point” of the movie, which is why it is *not* a movie for me)