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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Wow! Julia Roberts turned up at the Toronto Film Festival looking drop dead gorgeous! It’s no wonder she’s the face of Lancome Cosmetics – she look amazing without any touching up. Julia has a new movie, Ben is Back, in which she plays the mother of an opioid addicted 19 year old son (Lucas Hedges.) He unexpectedly appears at the family home on Christmas Eve, fresh out of rehab, and his mother is suspicious, for good reason. But Julia is in Toronto promoting her first leading role on TV- a psychological thriller series for Amazon called Homecoming, in which she plays a psychologist working at a secret government facility with veterans to help them transition back into “normal” life.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. clarence

    why dont you get it Diane……….SHE IS TURNING GREY LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE AT THIS AGE!!

  2. Diane McGill

    She shouldn’t have bleached her hair. I think it looks cheap.

  3. clarence

    ……………so what’s in her food?

  4. Fritz

    She can’t paint over that horse face

  5. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    We suspect that the latitudinal placement of Julia’s brows are ever so slightly–and flatteringly!–higher than in years past, but fair play to her, SHE LOOKS FAB.