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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


32488PCN_Josh6_cutPhoto Credit: Pacific Coast News

Josh Hartnett is not like most guys. For one thing, he’s walking down the street in New York and he ISN’T talking on his cell phone. He’s enjoying his surroundings. Another thing that makes him different was his lawsuit against UK’s Daily Mirror. The paper wrote that he had a “steamy sexual encounter” with an unknown woman in a public area of a London hotel and it was taped. Most macho guys would have been secretly proud of such an accomplishment and wouldn’t have bothered to deny it. But Josh got mad and sued – winning a $30,000 settlement

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  1. Brother Daniel

    (continued)…..because it’s like, uh, ANY PORT IN A STORM situation

  2. Brother Daniel

    He should date the beauty behind him, and he would too, if they were on a DESERT ISLAND.

  3. captain america

    …………….EGOISTS, that is!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. captain america

    don’t bother, LA IS FULL OF IT, folks!!