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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


There IS an explanation for this look. Josh Hartnett drives his handlers mad because he INSISTS on cutting his OWN hair! He’s done it forever and they can’t get him to stop. When he’s working on a film he allows the stylists to do their thing, but as soon as he’s left to his own devices, he chooses to pull out the nail scissors. Josh is making a valiant attempt to maintain normalcy in his life and not allow Hollywood or his success to change him in a bad way. He still says his home is in Minneapolis (although he has New York digs) and get this: When he goes home he does his clothes shopping at Sears. As if we needed another reason to love him.

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  1. Hedda Bopper

    But Im sure Josh wouldnt go near the likes of you,after all he can see,smell,and hear……Oye Vey

  2. Anonymous

    I hate the freaking OYE VEY woman but I love Josh Harnett!!

  3. Patrick

    Happy Hannukah Hedda.
    Love Pat.

  4. Hedda Bopper

    Oh Dear God Now I”m getting comments? I feel so speacial to be pointed out by a person who cant even use their real name.And how my dear friend am I anti semtic?Im jewish dear,so please get your facts straight before you point your dirty sausage finger at me,Thank You…..OYE VEY

  5. Nelson

    Love you, Janet. And, fyi, Mr. Blackwell gets the $13 special at Larchmont SuperCuts (so do I).

  6. Anonymous

    um, right i saw him sitting next to me at Sally Hershberger in NYC getting a very expensive haircut.

  7. Ishouldntbedoingthis

    Maybe he is just cheap and doesn’t want to spend any of his own money.

  8. Tippy


  9. Patrick

    Mozart and the Whale his movie about young adults coping with Auspergers Syndrome is a wonderful film.
    My wife and I love Josh. He is a special guy!

  10. Patrick

    Dave, Dave, Dave…tsk.
    Ask your therapist why?
    Why can’t I get Hot Karl off my brain…why?
    Your hair rocks Jan!

  11. Anonymous

    Why is he being praised for being such a complete cheapskate? Come on.. How much does a cheap haircut cost? $20?

  12. Anonymous

    DJ from Roseanne…are you HIGH?

  13. Anonymous

    I dunno if “Hot-nett” cuts his own hair but his hair seems to be thinning.
    He is extremely, furiously handsome.

  14. Anonymous

    Yeah, no doubt, Janet’s got some of the worst hair I’ve ever seen.

  15. Anonymous

    That’s one ugly dude.

  16. Deena Lohan

    isnt a hot karl a lindsay lohan cunt smell?

  17. Hedda Bopper

    WOW Little D.J. from Rosanne grew up and cuts his own hair,charming……OYE VEY