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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



It’s tough to be in Miami – the land of beautiful bodies- when you’re not in the best of shape. Jonah Hill is filming “Arms and the Dudes” there with Miles Teller and he’s packed on more than a few pounds lately. But he still manages to flirt. Jonah showed up in the hotel pool in a black t-shirt and turned on the charm for two bikini girls. They found his jokes hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing. (A sense of humor is always appealing.) It’s a good beginning.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    I have so many closets my head is spinning trying to keep track of them all. Oy vey!

  2. Strom

    Poor little imitator….now it tries to cloak itself with a post about the thread. Use your own name and come out of the closet or many closets!

  3. Strom

    Poor little imposter…so jealous of Strom, it tries to be Strom!

  4. Strom

    Poor little imposter. I don’t have any friends.

  5. Strom

    Poor Catone, so jealous of Strom that she tries to belittle me on a thread I never commented on.

    Please grow up and get out of your chair, lose some weight, and help other mentally challenged people to get over their problems.

    You and your friends may be as fat as Jonah but hopefully you can overcome that.

  6. Palermo

    His best asset is his $$$$

  7. Daggers

    Does the casting couch apply here? In reverse order? With gays? Just wondering.

    If so, this may explain why an untalented fatty is getting recognition in GollyWEIRD.

  8. Gina Catone

    Cuzins Strom/ Carlos Danger is a gigantic fatty, and that includes the fat between his ears.
    Isn’t that right cuz?
    Can only squeeze in 1% intelligence in between the fat cells.
    Makes it hard for him to think.

  9. Diva

    Janet is a fat shamer. Not cool

  10. allan

    so repulsive how he became a movie star is a mystery

  11. JimJam

    Disgusting fat git ! Ugly too! Can’t wait to see what Strom has to say.

  12. xyz

    Why do u try to keep him relevant?

  13. mister baja

    his floating ability due to his body size?

  14. Gemma St. Ivens

    How this disgracefully untalented loser ever got a job in Hollywood is a mystery…oh wait I guess it isn’t….

  15. anonTWO

    and a giant wallet cant hurt none either!

    a repulsive man.

    not just the fatness.

    his STANK ATTITUDE and minimal talent, its all a turn off..

  16. Noblecascade

    Poor guy, he is bigger than he has ever been. It’s hard to keep the weight off for some folks. A never ending struggle.