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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Here’s a Hollywood moment. Jonah Hill is yakking up a storm, waiting for his car outside Barneys in Beverly Hills and he has a brand new hair color. Last week while he was in Cabo San Lucas with his sexy girlfriend, stylist Gianna Santos, he had green hair. This wavy blonde look is reminiscent of Jerry Lee Lewis. (Jonah lightened his beard also.) He’s carrying a man-purse or a small gym bag and a shopping bag from the store. The size of the bag indicates that it’s a gift for his girlfriend. He’s no fool.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    Ahem. Is the weight, ever so silently and insidiously, piling back on (again)??!

    But we are a fan–as mentioned too many times before–ever since Jonah put that certified CNN MORON in his place, when he tried to pick up JH in an airport toilet.

    Oopsie! 😀

  2. Carmella S

    How this ZERO talent buffoon got work in Hollywood is no secret .

  3. peewee

    whatever: he still looks like a dumb @ss!!