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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Yep, he’s done it again. Jonah Hill slimmed down for Moneyball in 2011. Last winter, however, the actor was busting out of his clothes in New York and he seemed resigned to his bigger size. But in the summer he gradually started dropping pounds – most likely motivated by new job prospects. He might be getting in shape for a new TV series he starts filming next year called Maniac. But he’s happy to be back in his tight-ish pants.

(Above, Jonah just finished a light business lunch at Mauro’s)

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  1. Tooty McPooty

    Well, he might be back in jeans, but skinny jeans? Hardly.

  2. Palermo

    Boggles the mind to think he is in movies at all

  3. Sally Werhmacht

    How this untalented buffoon ever got a job in Hollywood is beyond many.

  4. Patrick (The Original)

    You forgot to include a shopping link.

    You know, in case anyone wants to buy a pair of Jonah’s XXXXL “skinny” jeans, to use for a tarp, or something.

  5. Jackie

    Good for him for not giving up!

  6. captain america

    yo never watched under his t-shirt? hahahahaha