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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The first time we saw Jon Hamm in a Progressive Insurance commercial with Flo, we were taken aback for a minute. The Mad Men star (and now Top Gun costar) seemed like TOO BIG a celebrity to appear in those odd little ads. Turned out he’s in a whole series of the ads and he’s actually very funny playing Flo’s frustrated suitor. Supposedly he and Flo had a blind date years ago before he became a star, but she was more interested in offering insurance discounts than she was in him. Now that he’s successful, Jon tries to reconnect with Flo but she barely remembers him. While SOME actors are above it all, Jon Hamm has no problem appearing in commercials – he says he’s happy to perform anywhere…

Photo: Progressive

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  1. Sandy

    Hey Janet did you know Flow was on Mad men? Yep.

  2. Jillian

    Janet seems to have not too many gossip scoops anymore. And what is the point of Hollywood Whodunnit? She never updates it and you can’t even comment. Seems useless.

  3. Kamu

    Please Janet, no commercials on the site. We know you can do better.