Jon Bon Jovi saw a can of an energy drink called Mijovi at a New Jersey cafe and immediately called his lawyers – he decided it was trademark infringement because it was suspiciously similar to HIS name. The manufacturer of the Mijovi, a man named Marcos Carrington, insists the drink was inspired by his girlfriend Jovita , and was floored by the legal threat. Marcos the owner happened to run into Jon at a Red Bank restaurant and introduced himself, hoping he could clear up the matter, but Jon wouldn’t budge. The legal battle continues with most New Jersey locals on the beverage maker’s side.
(Photo: Getty)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
What’s up, constantly i used to check webpage posts here in the early hours in the break of day, because i enjoy to gain knowledge of more and more.
Jon, if I’m not mistaken…you changed your name, but still signed your new 26.5 million Soho place, no wait, he saved 2 mil!! But signed it JOHN BONGIOVI. I am I correct? You of all people that you always stated “I want to help people (blue collar) so they can too make a life that is not BELOW POVERTY!! You have changed over the last 10 years. The names are differant and I have read the courts ruled against you. Why not HELP (as you ALWAYS bring up in interviews) the person that name this drink after his girlfriend? I NEVER seen YOU make AYTHING about Dorthea!! But the recent pics of her I would not either. You stated “I wouldn’t trade up or in for nothing.” You say you LOVE your MONEY MORE then your wife!!! You don’t want to give Dorthea and her laywers YOUR MONEY!! Sic, sic, sic. Some of the remarks you make about Dot are very hurtful and show your true colors. Grow up!!
The fact that he filed this lawsuit is totally ridiculous and a “testament” to the self-absorbed pompous asshole he truly is.
This man has over $200 million bucks in the bank (and counting) and has to sue some poor sap over a “name” that has nothing to do with him (obviously).
I used to love Bon Jovi and thought that Jon was totally hot, but he has sold-out. He’s become an arrogant, snotty, “Hollywood” type and has let all the money go straight to his head. A fragrance line?? A men’s perfume with his name on it?? Come on Jon!!! As if you need the money.
It seems that with him it’s all about money and inflating his own way-overblown ego!
People who work for him call him “mr. Bongiovi”…I’d never let my staff call me by anything but my first name even if I had a billion dollars!! He’s so full of himself!!
As for the owner of “Mijovi”, I have one thing to say – very few people have the courage to even try to live their dream or start their own business, which this guy is trying to do, just like Jon tried to do. And for everything he has, he’s going sqwash this guy and ruin his business and dream.
What a totally self-centered jerk, as if he has nothing better to do.
Hey Jon!! Reality have way more than this guy ever will, you should be grateful the name resembles yours. It would line your pockets with more money, and put your pompous-ass name on millions of cans around the world.
Instead of being offended, think of what it would do for your overinflated ego and bank account.
Frivilous lawsuit.
Its My Life? Wait a minute that was Eric Burden and the Animals first! Not Bon Jovi!!!
Not a big talent
He looks like a freaken old broad. WTF? Be a man, shave your head Johnny Boy…oh, I forgot, you are not a man, and you are confirming it by your actions.
If these comments are true, that the REAL ISSUE is use of JBJ song in their slogan, then he absolutely has every right to sue.
WOW! We certainly don’t get our story straight before we start flaming somebody, now do we?
Mike Wooseman
If there us a Jovita then JBJ doesnt have a case….and there is a Jovita as verified through the associated press. also i read that the US Patent and Trademark office has ruled against JBJ.
I heard that the ad sounded like It’s my Life. Sorry but I doubt its a coincidence. Good for Jon.
What I heard is that not only did they use a name like his but they also quoted one of his songs as their slogan. That’s where the issue was. I forget what song it was but it was a popular one. In which case, absolutely he should be upset.
gerard Vandenberg
Why is everyone in the States acting this Sick-making way of sueing everybody? Showing the world you are a “CLEVER” man? It looks like jealousy and it’s caused by the BAD social security system an infrastucture(roads and bridges). RED BULL could sue the RED BANK restaurant. But why?
Why is everyone in the States acting this Sick-making way of sueing everybody? Showing the world you are a “CLEVER” man? It looks like jealousy and it’s caused by the BAD social security system an infrastucture(roads and bridges). RED BULL could sue the RED BANK restaurant. But why?
if this is true jon needs to get the hell over himself.
Jon is arrogant and I cannot stand the man.
Bon Jerkoff will have a fun time wasting his money on this. I feel sorry for the merchant. I hope he wins and counter sues Bon Moron to get his legal fees back.
Interesting to note that most of the comments are in the vein of “trash Jon” rather than in response to the story.
Kudos to those who addressed the issue.
BTW, I agree that he doesn’t have a prayer; can’t imagine any court would rule Mijovi to be a copyright infringement.
JBJ needs to get a life.
John Kerry
tacky Jon Bon Jovi, you can do better than this.
Whats Your Jovi!
wow. are u serious! Jon build a bridge and get over it. Marcos’ girlfriend name is Jovita hence Jovi and on top of that he spells it with mi as mijovi. get it…(its his jovi-what’s your jovi). LOVE IT! Clever. JBJ doesnt own “jovi”. Last I heard Jon Bon Jovi made music not luxury beverages. also is this the same Marcos Carrington that was in People Magazine’s -50 Most Eligible Bachelors? If it is – he’s HOT! I wonder what his “Jovi” looks like _ she’s probably beautiful if he named the drink after her. Do they live in LA _ Come on Snap – Snap Paparazzis- we need pics.
I never knew John was the only person in this whole world with the name Jovi, he’s delusional someone get him some help!!!
Is he really THAT stupid?! Pathetic!
He lost a ton of good will with the fans over this. If john was smart(and from what he is doing, he’s not) he would ask the drink maker to donate a few thousand a year to charity & pose with the guy holding a can of the stuff , say he is not affiliated with him, but wishes him well. Case closed. Go back to screaming teenagers & makin shitty music.
He lost a ton of good will with the fans over this. If john was smart(and from what he is doing, he’s not) he would ask the drink maker to donate a few thousand a year to charity & pose with the guy holding a can of the stuff , say he is not affiliated with him, but wishes him well. Case closed. Go back to screaming teenagers & makin shitty music.
He has aged amazingly. Although I do think he’s been tweeked just a bit, but that’s ok. It’s subtle.
What an asshole. You would think he would have more important to worry about….like collecting the $1 million check from the private party BonJovi played at in Chicago last weekend.
He’s a loser. A big whiner. Too bad his career is over.
egomaniac jerk…like the world revolves around him. He has the rights to “ovi”??? I hope the law sinks him.
He’s a social climbing asshole who comes off fairly stupid in high powered gatherings. Better looking from at least 10 feet away.
I can’t stand this pop tart. My friend had a poster of him in short shorts and a tank. Fully blown out hair. I swear there was no bulge AT ALL and I thought he was a girl. Thats why he dont cheat. He has NO PEEN.
Margo Channing
He’s kind of a diva but I’d still f**k him.
Way to self important. He has had his hair coifed one too many times.