Photo Credit: Splash News
Don’t laugh. The Carnival Cruise Line has packed their Mayercraft vessel with John Mayer fans and it’s currently sailing from Long beach to Cabo and back – the trip ends Tuesday, March 31. John greets his admirers in this sailor outfit and the fun begins! The price is $849, double occupancy, for four nights and the deal includes a free concert and all you can eat, plus the possibility of bumping into John around any corner.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Casonia logenberry....I know some people think? That I am crazy and strange and weird but..I really love Hells kitchen so much...I have been trying to get there attention on so many levels!
Sounds like a good deal and wonderful idea and…I love his singing and find him rather attractive.
Those shorts are ridiculous. did he join the Village People or something.
Gerard, Cant take you eyes off that picture,, Can ya.
Queer? Fairy? Limp wrist? Deviate?
Must you dumb assholes keep using the word “faggot”? How ignorant are you?
just maybe
Maybe Jen and John were covering for each other? Jen and Marky Mark’s female cousin were supposed to be closer than close just like LL and Sam. Maybe that’s why all the men leave her, cause she is really lookin for a good woman.
Mother Hen
Many faggots have downloaded this picture of Mr. HotStuff and had it enlarged and framed. The more I see of this big-head alley-cat, the more puzzled I am at Jennifer displaying her all-out desperation to keep him.
choppy waters
Oh, and Jennifer should get tested for several months to see if big head passed a freebie gift on to her, you know, one that keeps on giving.
We will see if Jenn can find a man, in the meantime she can cuddle up to her latest movie script and her million$.
Oh poor chewonthis. The rag mags are lying, they use old pixs and tell lies. Brad is exactly where he wants to be with the mother of his 6 kids, he has not left her side in over 4 years, where she is so is Brad to be found, he is not leaving her. Jen is the past, he left in 2005 and has not looked back. If Jen is hoping for Brad to come back to her she is a delusional idiot, he had 6 kids in 3 years including a set of twins with a woman he says that he loves more than he ever has loved any other woman. Jen tried to play with John, but John played her, Jen is too old for a guy who likes his women hot and young. LOL.
That most definitely looks like an ad for a gay cruise.
I wouldn’t take that cruise if it were FREE, if I had a weeks’ PAID VACAY, and a $1000 spending money.
Mayer has completely and utterly JUMPED THE FUCKING SHARK! NEXT!!!!!!
I’m sorry but can you get past the shaved, girlie looking legs? Seriously?
Saucy Sara
With those red lips of his and his stuffed bulge in those shorties, the faggots have got to be drooling.
When you think of John Mayer, you think of Jennifer, which makes you ponder this: Will Brad hotstuff break up with PillowLips and come back to her. The rag mags have showed him drunk out of his mind and racing off on his motorbike whenever he and Angie have a fight. This is what Jenn is hoping, that is what I believe. That is why I think she will never catch a man…unless a POOR man marries her for her money, and that’s not likely either. I think she is miserable and lonely for Brad.
Did Rosie O’Donnell arrange this cruise? Maybe Mayer is throwing in with her in this venture for faggots and lesbos. Jen should be glad to get rid of this big-headed slime-bag. No one could understand what she ever saw in him. Who will she hook up with next?
My vagina got clean just looking at this douche.
When I saw those shorts I almost spit out my breakfast cooky.
Jen this has to give you some satisfaction?
It’s so sad… more Jen. Aniston to hang off. I guess he’ll do ANYTHING for attention. – even wear little short shorts.
Who in their right mind would pay money to spend days with this ridiculous untalented buffoon? You must be joking!
gerard Vandenberg
He wants to please FAGGOTS with that uniform, folks? anyway: SUCCESS GUARANTEED!!