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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Prolific actor and Roseanne star John Goodman always SEEMED like a super-nice guy but now we have PROOF. We were told about a family traveling from Dallas to London and they were upgraded to first class. The mom sat with her toddler on her lap and her seat-mate happened to be JOHN GOODMAN! Five minutes before take-off the little boy started projectile vomiting in all directions! He got the mom, the seats, her luggage and everybody’s clothing! The American Airlines fight attendants backed off and refused to deal with the situation while while John goodnaturedly jumped up and ran back and forth from the bathroom with paper towels to wipe everybody off. (Including himself – luckily he was already dressed in the airline pajamas) His thoughtful wife Annabeth even kindly offered the mom clean clothing out of her own suitcase. The distraught mother apologized profusely. The plane stopped and the AA cleanup crew escorted the family off the plane. They all remember John Goodman as a HERO in the crisis and the toddler even recognized his voice from Monsters Inc.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. discostu004

    Sounds like a Little John Studd move

  2. Bucky M

    I have two family members that are stewardess. Leaving a slick mess on the floor would create a hazard for the passengers. Refusing to help a passenger (especially one that was sick) can get you in big trouble. Attendants just don’t do that. At the very least, they should have given the people that were covered in vomit, something to clean themselves up with.

    I wonder how much of this story is true and how much is fiction.

  3. pusssykatt

    Not to let the flight attendants off the hook, but they probably weren’t allowed to clean up the mess…that is the job of the clean up crew. Probably a union thing.

  4. Natalie

    I have a feeling this story is a little embellished. A toddler recognizing his voice from Monsters Inc.? I doubt it.

    At any rate, glad to hear he and his wife took it in stride and helped out. On a side note, looks like he may have lost a few lbs., so good for him!

  5. Alan Marshall

    The child was travel sick!
    And as for the flight attendants…
    Maybe they are busy with other
    passengers that are sick also!

  6. avila

    Nightmare mum for bringing on a sick and nasty kid.

  7. kait

    awesome story

  8. Strom

    Children usually aren’t put in first class. Agreed stewardess didn’t do their job.

  9. Bucky M

    I would be doing some major reprimanding to a certain stewardess that didn’t do her job.

    That was kind of Mr. Goodman and his wife. I have always heard mixed (both good and bad) about Goodman. Regardless, he is looking great and is a fine actor.

  10. don quichotte

    be honest: WHATS HIS LOSS?

  11. noblecascade

    he really looks good in this picture.