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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Next week is the anniversary of the tragic death of John Kennedy Jr, and we wonder where he would have been today politically, had he survived. We would have voted for him because he made such a favorable impression when we met him (back in the late 80’s or early 90’s.) We were dressed to kill at the underground LA nightclub Flaming Colossus, and the main room was very crowded and smokey. Across the room we noticed someone was wearing a pair of DECK SHOES. Deck shoes at this funky club! We HAD to see who it was, and it turned out to be drop-dead gorgeous John F Kennedy Jr! He was with a couple of friends and his east coast apparel stood out among the black-clad scenesters. At the time we wrote the gossip column for Star Magazine, so we immediately struck up a conversation. John could NOT have been nicer. As he was on his way out, we followed him to the car valet, peppering him with questions. He remained totally charming, had perfect manners, and never lost his cool – with a TABLOID journalist! John waved goodbye and left us wanting more…

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  1. Beachy

    He was my Greek Adonis….my lifetime crush. There will never be another him.

  2. wowsers

    20 years! I remember watching the awful news on the morning TV shows that day. What a horrible, tragic end to what should have been a longer life with possible political service at some point by now. And I don’t know how the Bessette family coped with their loss, it’s unimaginable. This accident, and many other private plane accidents, illustrates why I’ll never fly in someone’s little puddle jumper plane. Professional pilots (2) mandatory & ideally 2 jet engines.

  3. Kait

    What a great story! Thanks for sharing. He truly did seem to be a quality person.

  4. Madge

    Would love to read a book by Janet of her many liaisons during her groupie free love years .