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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Our longtime favorite, Paper Magazine, scored quite a scoop when they talked Jocelyn “Catwoman” Wildenstein, 77, into doing her first interview in 20 years. And she had a good time posing for photos in her custom gown (not designed by her husband Lloyd Klein, 50, for some reason.) Swiss-born Jocelyn said she didn’t want to talk about herself until her children were older, so she’s been avoiding publicity (except for those fights with Lloyd in NYC.) Jocelyn says when her art dealer husband Alec Wildenstein (he liked cats) divorced her he made a big deal out of her plastic surgery and embarrassed her – BUT she got a 2.5 BILLION dollar divorce settlement so THAT makes up for a lot…

Photo: Vijat Mohinda for Paper Magazine

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  1. willy

    sure but what happened to the monkey-look?

  2. Daggers

    Well, she just went crazy, that’s all.

  3. lippp

    This hedious creature is opening herself up to various humane society law suits allegeing defamatiion on behalf of felines around the world. No cat looks that bad.

  4. Mat

    In the future, would you please warn your innocent readers when you are going to post a picture of this woman. My retinas!!!!

  5. Felicha

    a disgrace