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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Setsiders on “The Runaways” are perplexed by Joan Jett’s continuing presence on the set. The movie is based on bandmember Cherie Currie’s book “Neon Angel” and it’s actually about HER experiences, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Joan is always around and she’s “friendly and nice to everyone” but no one can figure out why she’s such a fixture on the set while the other original bandmembers are not. It’s a mystery. One observer asked “How much tutoring does Kirsten Stewart need?”

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  1. George

    Seen the movie i like it.

  2. Eileen

    Joan Jett is a producer for The Runaways. That’s why she is always hanging around the set. Big plus for Kristen I would think who is portraying her in the movie.

  3. Moshe

    What did Cherie’s book say about Joan abovementioned appetite for women? Insatiatable?

  4. captain america


  5. Amy

    Joan is a control freak and would not skip a day so she can make sure things are done to her specification. She may be the producer but I guarantee the only way this film is being made is if she has a hand in it. The Runaways documentary Edgeplay couldnt use music or her in it because she didn’t want a part of it. It has interviews with all the Runaways but her.

  6. Reta

    I couldn’t care less…about ANY of this “story”….BORING!!!

  7. Strom

    No doubt Joan is producing…in Kirsten’s trailer. Joan has an appetite for women that is totally unrestrained, according to everyone who ever knew her.

  8. pinkstar

    Strom are you his exwife?
    No one cares…

  9. Deanna...

    I don’t know how Hollywood works per se, but she is a Producer on the movie, therefore I assume she has the right to be present if she wants to!

  10. CutTheCrap

    Eh whatever….This is base on Cheri Curries book righ? Where is she?? I Saw the 1980 movie Foxes yesturday and Cheri is in it..who’s playing her in the movie?

  11. biscuit

    I can’t stand Kirsten with the deep voice. There’s something going on here with the air-head and the bull-dyke.

    Strom, I feel your pain regarding Morgan Freeman. I’ve been trying to get Janet to post something about the ever-raging gossip that Angie and Brad have split. This would be a big story, as they are constantly harrassed by the paps and the press. Nothing yet.

  12. Strom

    What has happened to Janet on the Morgan Freeman story! If Michael Jackson has been screwing his granddaughter or grandson for the past 10 years, she would have been all over it.

  13. B Bobby

    Rumors are that Joan was has been able to score quick and often w/ Kirsten. Joan has always had a passion for new meat!