Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Joan Jett and Carmen Electra keep leading us on regarding this “romance” of theirs. When Carmen announced she’d be playing Joan’s lesbian lover in her video, she also added that she’d had a big crush on her since she was a young girl. Suddenly they started spending all sorts of time together and we don’t know WHAT to think. Nowadays it’s not politically correct to protest if you’re accused of being in a gay relationship or it looks like you’re insulting the gay lifestyle. Does Carmen WANT us to assume she traded in Dave Navarro for Joan Jett, or does she think it’s just good publicity? Either way, they DO make an adorable couple, don’t you think?

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  1. Since Courtney”s just counting money now, Joan is the Queen of the punk rock scene.
    If she wants to take a bite out of Carmen…fine.

  2. Celebrate love and lust wherever you find it! Enought said….by the way JC, a bit jealous, are you? I am just saying…

  3. Joan is speding all her off camera moments between Carmen’s legs it is rumored.

  4. Is Joan Jett gay?
    Is the Pope Catholic….Joan is well known for ability and agility in diving sports!

  5. After Dave Navarro anything would be an improvement – even a woman.

  6. Ever watch how the manly les assumes a bodyguard stance around her prize? At least while the its new pickins! Ellen was ready to karate chop any female within 10 feet of Ann when things were spicy.

  7. A HUGE step up from Dave “I Can’t Seem To Come Out Of The Closet” Novarro. They’re the new Ellen and Portia.

  8. I love Joan Jett.
    (in this picture she looks like the aging love shild of Liza Minelli and David Guest.)
    carmen will dump her when she finds another freak du jour.
    i hope they have plenty of saran wrap.

  9. who was joan jett hooked up with before carmen?
    How long of a she list do you want?

  10. Joan Jett still looks fucking hot at 50’s…
    she would be a frightful looking thing in the morning though!!

  11. JJ is in her mid-forties at the most. And she has been clean and sober a lo-o-o-ng time, so she looks good! Simple enough, and with all the freaks CE has been with, what’s the diff? Rock on . . .

  12. I always wondered why Joan Jett and Chrissie Hynde looked so similar….same haircuts, size, and style. BUT Chrissie always seemed feminine, while JJ was close to looking “butch”. She did good hooking up with Carmen. Good for her. Poor Dave Navarro…who’s he stuck with, Perry Farrell (again)?

  13. I always wondered why Joan Jett and Chrissie Hynde looked so similar….same haircuts, size, and style. BUT Chrissie always seemed feminine, while JJ was close to looking “butch”. She did good hooking up with Carmen. Good for her. Poor Dave Navarro…who’s he stuck with, Perry Farrell (again)?

  14. If they truly love each other than that is a beautiful thing in this crazy world.

  15. let’s see….Dennis Rodman, Dave Navarro, Loan Jett. I don’t know if she’s stepping up or stepping “OUT” but Joan can put another dime in my juke box anytime!

  16. As said, Joan was spending all her time right between Carmen’s willing legs!

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