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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

It’s STILL not over for Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman. The funny couple broke up in 2008 only to get back together at the end of the year. A few weeks ago they called it off once more, but now they’re dating again. A friend says they’re not exactly back together, but they ARE seeing each other on the down low. They can’t seem to live without each other.

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  1. Anonymous

    does molly have big boobies???

  2. Anonymous

    Soooo NOT TRUE!! He is fu@#ing Molly, head writer on JKL.

  3. Anonymous

    ever see sarah’s boobies…yowza…and her mouth could take it all…oh my word…jimmy is a lucky fat guy

  4. Anonymous

    I think sarah is funny..i get her id so hit that 😛 mmmmmmmmmmm tasty

  5. Anonymous

    I dont care about her vulgarity but this hag just isnt funny I have been to many a comedy club where she has bombed every time she is on. I even tried to sit through Jesus is magic but this pathetic bicth just sucks.
    the only thing she can offer a man is anal.

  6. Anonymous

    If you break up that many times it’s a sign that you need to stay broken up

  7. gerard Vandenberg

    The “fuckers” aren’t waiting in line.(thanks to the crises)
    THIS BACAUSE MOST PEOPLE WANT “HONESTY”, folks!! so they’re sentenced to eachother.

  8. pig

    Sarah is goofy acting and goofy looking, plus she has a potty mouth. It’s a mystery why Jimmy keeps going back to her, plus, he is way better looking. If they are both supposed to be comedians, I wonder if they have never heard that “Opposites Attract”. But does anyone really care?

  9. Anonymous

    Its known as a booty call. They have never really been broken up

  10. Artie Lange

    Jimmy only went back to Sarah because Ben dumped him for Matt Damon, yet again.

  11. Dieter

    Without Jimmy’s fame Sarah would be serving lattes at Starbucks. She knows this too well. The Woman is a parasite.