We immediately fell in love with this photo and didn’t even realize at first that it happens to be Jimi Hendrix in 1961! According to Stephen Saban at The WOW Report, Jimi, 19, was caught “riding in stolen cars” and was given a choice between spending two years in prison or joining the army. He enlisted, and was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. Although he was cute in the uniform, he didn’t make a great soldier and was happy when he was honorably discharged a year later due to “unsuitability.”
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Put Herman Caine in charge of this program and he will make it work!
That’s why ghetto rappers are running wild and so many young are not qualified for employment.
Kick their whiney ass and help them become useful and productive.
BLACK leaders and Mr. Hope & Change should be forefront!
Strom, the Army does not do that anymore. They have gone soft and are afraid of hurting feelings. A drill sgt from the 80s is a whole different animal from today’s drill sgt. They have to be politically correct.
Rick Carr
Here’s another picture of Jimi from The College of Rock and Roll Knowledge® page on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=445039188870129&set=a.426181994089182.98241.422054484501933&type=1&theater
No I haven’t but we need the military to turn troubled youth into upstanding citizens. They did this for many years before becoming to arrogant to think they were above it.
Send Nicki M and Riri to the female Marines and let them work the arrogance out of them!
Such a loss of one the best guitarists of all time.
You obviously never served in our military. We need good, upstanding citizens–NOT trouble makers–in the military. The military’s mission is to protect the country, not undo poor upbringings.
Jimi was actually in jail while at Ft. Campbell. Not sure what for but everyone there knows where his old jail cell is.
Steve Canyon
I’m glad he was homesick.
He was at Ft. Campbell, KY.
Country and many people would be better off if troublemakers were “sent” to Army/Marines to mature rather than to prison.