We eagerly anticipated the return of Saturday Night Live for this new season – Chris Rock seemed like the perfect host (It’s hard to top Eddie Murphy from last year before the pandemic) with the added bonus of Jim Carrey playing Joe Biden. But what happened? Alec Baldwin carried on as his usual Trump – but Carrey’s inappropriate mugging was totally off the charts. (And not that funny!) Biden is HARDLY the frenetic, tooth flashing character that Carrey played. Joe is calm and subtle – everything Jim Carrey is NOT. Carrey’s exaggerated Fire Marshall Bill kept popping up in the impersonation. Since Jim (as Biden) is set for SNL for the rest of the season, we hope he can tone it down – and punch up the script to make it funnier.
Photo: Saturday Night Live
I got yelled at hard here four years ago for making this prediction.
Let the screaming begin!
Sorry Janet but Joe Biden is not calm and subtle. If you go back and rewatch the debate you will see that he is the first one who started interrupting and those are his tactics go back and look at the video on him debating Paul Ryan in 2015 he did all the same stuff interrupting, making comments, saying things were lies that weren’t, doing the laugh of his. Go back and look he does all these tactics. And he’s the one who said to Trump to shut up. And if you are honest look at why he said it because he was trying to avoid answering a question. Chris Wallace said to Joe that he has been avoiding this question everywhere and he should answer it now, again he avoided answering the question and instead told Americans to get out and vote and all Trump was saying was answer the question answer the question. And he wouldn’t because look at the question it’s super important America will fundamentally be changed if he does what that question is about and not for the good!
Also it was disgusting and hilarious that Joe called the president a racist when Joe is the one who gave the eulogy for a KKK leader. And if you care about life at all he is behind the late term abortion where you can abort right up to and after birth! Sick!
Nigel's Mansell
You know Janet, I thought he did a good job and I hate his guts. You know what is bad Janet? Alec Baldwin’s Trump . I mean every hack out there does a Trump imitation and Alec’s is so bad I can’t believe he is still working. What gives at NBC?