If you noticed that Jessica Simpson‘s lips don’t match the words she’s saying in her TV ad for DirectTV, we’ve got the answer. The ad is a take-off on her movie The Dukes of Hazzard, but we’ve been told she didn’t have to work very hard for the money. No dieting or working out this time around. Instead of having Jessica stuff herself into her old Daisy Dukes and recreating the scene, the ad people took a clip from the movie and simply changed the dialog. We’re not implying Jessica would have a HARD TIME squeezing herself into those tiny shorts now, BUT she admitted it took months of torturous working out to do it for the movie.

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  1. I’d squeeze into Jessica anytime. This skinny anorexic look that these other hollywood herpe cum sluts are into is sickening and unsexy. A real woman has some curves and doesn’t look like a starving holocaust survivor.
    I’d show Jessica that that she can love another like me instead of her papa Joe.

  2. thats just not true. I saw the behind the sceens shoot on Entertainment Tonight and Jessica spoke on how she loved revisiting the role

  3. I don’t care much about the commerical, but I am worried about her music career.
    Perhaps, she should stick to films…..

  4. I agree on being tired of the concentration camp look. Real women do have curves and why should we be embarassed of them?

  5. Jessica Simpson is doing a good job when it comes to her career and business ventures. Good Luck and More Power to you! No more plastic surgery ok?!

  6. the resolution isn’t great but the “it’s broadcast in 1080i” line especially looks like it lines up with her lip movement.
    And she did get a visit by ‘Entertainment Tonight’ correspondent Mark Steines on the set of the commercial, where she talked about needing to get back into shape again.

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