don%27t-jessica-simpson.0.jpgHas Jessica Simpson’s stylist TURNED on her – or did she take a day OFF? Jessica recently showed up in New York of all places, brandishing what looks like a big Hawaiian fish print sarong wrapped around her, accompanied by thick brown sensible shoes and a large slouchy bag. Worst of all, the get-up makes her look POUNDS heavier than she is. Oh well, she’s still a beauty, and everyone has a lapse in taste once in a while…

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  1. gross. hideous. no other words.
    Janet, where is everyone on your site?? It’s like a ghost town.
    Perez is all over the place.

  2. I think you’re a moron. Can’t you think of anything better to write about. You are truly sad. And your site sucks.

  3. Janet Janet Janet… Please PLEASE talk about the fact that Jessica’s new song “A Private Affair” is a big fat rip off of Madonna’s classic song, “Holiday”. Jessica started out with a killer voice but something bad has happened there- now she does that breathy little girl voice that make people want to vomit. Add to that the fact that she’s stealing songs… Puh lease

  4. Ooh, Jessica NEVER had a good voice! She has always relied on weird studio tricks to sound passable. She is gross. Just overrated and I think on the brink of a major downslide in popularity. She dresses like an ass (best-dressed? huh?) and now that she’s bitten the proverbial hand that fed her, she’s so over.

  5. Wasn’t this dress all over the other sites like 2 weeks ago? Old news.

  6. I commented before & forgot to say- I’m very happy to see that Janet has her own page now. I’m hoping it takes some of the wind out of Perez Hiltons sails- he’s awful!! But, right now at least, she is VERY behind on the gossip. This outfit is 2-3 weeks old. I hope Janet starts posting more often and getting this site out there.

  7. This is OLD news. I’ve seen this pic MONTHS ago… C’mon, get with the news…

  8. This pic is really old! Other blogs talked about it weeks ago.

  9. oh my God. Look at the jealous pansies coming out of the woodwork. Threatened, much?
    I love this site. But I’ve been reading Janet for years. Instant credibility. Her take on stories and stars is why I’m here.
    I hope Janet and her editors will pluck out any stupid posts and keep up the ones that stay on topic.
    As for JesSimp, I can’t say anything nice about this dress so I won’t say anything at all!

  10. Yep…this one was done about a month ago…not much news here…

  11. It’s not Janet’s fault.
    Jessica’s world isn’t that deep.
    : )

  12. This picture is old! One word for your site. B-O-R-I-N-G

  13. ouch – i think you need to get your info correct! you should now who makes the dress – she wore that so long ago, and beyonce has worn one with a different top. try at least.

  14. “Perez is all over the place.”
    Yeah like on this site!

  15. Anon 2:39, I thought exactly the same thing. Jealousy kills!

  16. i dont think the dress is the most horrible thing ever, but i dont like the shoes,

  17. Jessica is gorgeous no matter what she wears, but the circa 1996 shoes have got to go.

  18. I can see that all the dumasses who do multiple posts have found this site–go back to Perez, retards! We’re supposed to give ANY credence to what you say when you can’t figure out how to post correctly–ONCE??!! How do you manage to feed yourselves and tie your own shoes? Oh, flip-flops . . .

  19. Janet,
    Congrats! I think your
    website is marvelous! I’ve
    missed reading your columns
    regularly. I applaud you
    for all your efforts here. I’ll be reading you often.
    Cathy Griffin

  20. Janet, I am glad to have found out you have a website. I always watch a show when I hear you’re on; you remind me of my L.A. friends that I miss, and I LOVE the way you talk, so expressive! So, are you so-called “behind” because you’re too busy out having fun and finding out the gossip? 😉
    -Signed, A Janet Fan
    PS: To post something about the actual thread, I think Jessica Simpson usually looks pretty good, and my tastes run less thin than Hollywood’s, but even I have to say this dress is, erm, not the most flattering I have ever seen.

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