Jerry Seinfeld’s kids are growing up fast. Jerry, 60, and his wife Jessica and their three offspring were seen in Soho with Billy Crystal (in back wearing the hat) on a family outing. Tall slim Sascha is 14, Julian is 12, and Shepherd is 9. Jerry’s worth around 300 million, but he swears they’re not spoiled. The usually well turned out Jessica is wearing some unfortunate drop crotch pants that we bet she will throw away as soon as she sees this photo.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Jessica left her multi=millionaire husband within a month of marrying him, to marry Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry apparently charamed the pants off her. Go figure. The richer and more famous they are, the sicker they are.
And you will sing the Gay is Ok anthem 3 times!
The Pied Piper weighs in……calling out those with whom she does not agree…you will eat her organic blueberries and broccoli whether you want to or not!
Pied Piper
Homophobe, racist, anti semitism is the game here.
You’re all being strung along by an angry, “enabled”, professional troll.
Why bother? It’s just depressing. Don’t give her the hits.
Go elsewhere.
Poor little imposter, poor delusional shelia, contributing nothing and seeking to be offended. It is a very sad state!
actually, it might be time
shelia c.
” is looking for something to be offended about”, & “touch home a little too closely ” …
there is no evidence to support your assertions Strom, none, your comments are mere opinion, and at their best, puerile hyperbole – nothing more
Strom, you are not smart, nor witty, just loud and insecure
Ban the chronically stupid, ban Strom
My apologies to everyone on this website.
I know the comments I make are vomitous, but I AM POSSESSED.
Please, someone, I need an exorcism! Last year wasnt’ soon enough!
SuzyQ that just proves how dumb I am.
It’s “heel nipper,” not “napped.” Dogs can take little bites called nips.
Not really, it might also mean that the person who was “offended” is looking for something to be offended about. It might mean that some of the characteristics pointed out touch home a little too closely. It might mean the person acts offended to others but if a jew had said the same thing to them it would have been laughed about.
Now back to the question: Wasn’t Jewess Jessica very happy to leave the husband she had just married to take up with someone who had more $$$ in his bank account? She is no prize in dress, looks, or character.
RE Strom: Anytime someone brings up the fact that a person is Jewish when the topic/subject of the conversation has nothing to do with religion means that the the person is an anti-Semite. End of story.
Wasn’t Jewess Jessica very happy to leave the husband she had just married to take up with someone who had more $$$ in his bank account? She is no prize in dress, looks, or character.
Poor little shelia & Bob… jealous of Strom.
Wasn’t Jerry happy to throw the Jewess Shoshana under the bus in order to take up with the married Jessica?
Poor shelia, back to the know nothings corner where you can stand w/ little Bob!
shelia c.
recently Strom, you’ve begun to describe yourself as successful, just as you had, about a year ago, described yourself as having travelled to Afghanistan.
Lets be clear numbnuts, no one, except your extra, false identities, and blow dolls believe 1. you’re successful and 2. ever been out of your parent’s basement.
so give it a rest, maybe on your Gay Island, you fraud.
strom, your’re successful? at what? NOTHING!
Being a repetitive a hole doesn’t count
They are well known on JCH…little people who can accomplish nothing on their own so they pick out the successful and intelligent for their juvenile games.
By shelia c.
On April 15, 2015 at
what’s a heel napper ? is that a new kind of shoe thingy ?
Poor Bob and Jeremy J…joined at the hip it seems, or maybe elsewhere!
Yeah, strom, explain a heel napper.
betcha you can’t
Poor Alex…so bitter!
shelia c.
what’s a heel napper ? is that a new kind of shoe thingy ?
Alex Toronto
“… jealous of the success of Strom that it runs around like the Call Center gay throwing barbs and hatred and spite.”
incoherent with a pathological lack of self awareness, chronic race hatred, homophobia, compulsive and obsessive behaviours, childish logic and sub-literate language skills, Strom, no one is copying you, it’s ridicule buddy, just ridicule
Neel Happer
All the Heel Nappers are watching you Strom.
Watching you all the time.
Watching with big eyes.
Neel Happer
No, not bitter. I have tears running down my face from laughing, a lot!
Gitcha ever time! : ))))))
Poor little bitter imposter… jealous of the success of Strom that it runs around like the Call Center gay throwing barbs and hatred and spite.
Uh, heel nappers!
Be gone all you neel happers!
For crying out loud, those children are way too young to be posting sh*tty comments about them leeching off their dad. Give them a chance. They’re children.
I do agree what Jessica is wearing is dreadful.
I put the chances of any of those kids going to college and to aspire to any sort of career at zero.
unless you count leeching off of Dad’s name and money to get some sort of a comedic job.
But she’s NOT usually well turned out.
Ban the imposter would be more like it…..amazing that a bitter little heel napper chooses only to follow Strom from post to post. It should teach him something but seems to only make him more jealous.
Poor Bob and Jeremy J…joined at the hip it seems, or maybe elsewhere!
@Jeremy J – why to ban Strom? Ever heard of free speech? Besides, many times hes rite and I know truth hurts
mister baja
correct………….I am.
Credit to her for trying to make “Incontinent Couture” a thing.
It does no good.
I put my fingers in my ears and hum, and still the tedious, boring, creepy sexual obsession voices continue.
Jeremy J
when is Strom going to be banned ?
Aren’t we at that tipping point yet Janet ? His stale, tedious hatreds, the creepy sexual obsessions with Black Men and Lesbians, and the constant, dull witted drone of his on-line spite has got to end surely.
Janet, give it a thought please, it’s not free speech at all, it’s hate speech, and as such, unprotected and indefensible, please do your readers this service.
Jeremy J
Strom, Yiddish is a language, not an ethnicity.
But, I guess accuracy is an inconvenient attribute in the microscopic world you inhabit – what a nasty, sour, and stupid little prick you are.
Of course, 3 of 5 comments are from some a-hole without a brain.
Jessica’s hair and outfit are tragic. Money can’t buy taste. She seems pretty famewhorish. You’d think she woukdn’t want to leave the house looking like that. On a positive note, the kids are cute.
Philberto Cardenez
Jerry evolved from a likeable guy in the 90’s to a much despised douche today.
Why is Strom soooo concerned about Jerry and Jessica’s life???? Come out of ur cave Mr. Strom!!!!