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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Entourage star Jeremy Piven posted a heartbreaking photo of his beloved French Bulldog Bubba today, with the announcement that his dog “died in his arms and it’s hard to stop crying.” It’s impossible not to cry WITH him. Over the past year we’ve seen dozens of photos of Jeremy and Bubba getting coffee, having lunch together – they were inseparable. After Jeremy had all those sexual misconduct charges, lost his TV series, and called himself “collateral damage of the #MeToo movement, Bubba remained his loyal and constant companion. So sad…

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  1. Wilson

    So sad to lose a beloved pet especially when one is all alone.

  2. Beachy

    Funny how the libs crucified Brett Kavanaugh for one unsubstantiated claim of misconduct in high school, yet they have a bunch of predators in their own midsts and are SILENT.

    Janet, how you can symathize with the sexual predator is disgusting. Another example of the most hypocritical people on Earth. Liberals.

    Once again, you don’t have the common sense to be ashamed of yourself.

  3. Frank Sheeran

    Hollywood and the leftists hypocrites that run it should all burn to the ground. It is always fun watching the left eat each other.

  4. Natalie Pinkhams

    He is apparently accused of heinous acts